Magic Masters
Magic Masters

Once upon a time near the forest lived four families. Their children were one another's friend. Living near the forest, they did not fear anything. Their families knew magic. Their children also knew magic. As the children were underage they could not do any magic. One day they decided to go to a camp inside the forest. Their parents had lots of work to do, so they gave their children permission to go.They were very excited. They carried clothes and food and set out for camping.
As they went inside the forest they saw many birds and animals. They explored many things. It was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop. The birds and animals were accustomed by their faces so they were not disturbed. When they saw a perfect place where a river flew nearby, they built their camps right there. As soon as they completed building their respective camps a letter came to them. It was from thei
r parents. It read: "We know that you are underage kids but these wands are for your safety. Here are some spells which will help you:
Lockelock-A protective barrier is formed around you.
Fletchifletch-Brings everything you wish.
Lapromarcus-Jet of water comes out from your wand.
The children were elated. They all ate and went to sleep. Suddenly they all heard the noise of the birds and animals running. When they all came out of their camps they saw a forest fire! They were panicked. Then one of them took out his wand and shouted 'LAPROMACRUS'. Soon a jet of water came out of his wand. The others also did the same. Soon the fire was put off there was a lot of destruction but they all were safe. As it was dangerous to stay there they went to their home. They were very excited to tell their parents.