Satyam Gupta



Satyam Gupta


Logic- Compulsion Or Choice

Logic- Compulsion Or Choice

4 mins

Imagine a life where you wanted a reason for everything, you needed an explanation for everything that happens around you. Or going to a cinema hall and trying to find a science behind each and every scene... No anonymity about anything, just simple plain logic for evidently everything that happens, what would it make your life look like? The only difference between computers, robots and us is that we do not need to find the logic behind everything, on the other hand, these machines need logic for everything. Imagination, creativity would all be gone for good and we would be slaves of our own one-dimensional mind. Any experiment that lead to any new discovery or invention would be a thing of past. No evolution, no improvement, just the regular straightforward routine... And as the theory says, "Whatever doesn't evolve, simply dissolves". To put things in perspective, we can look at our ancestors.

Had they found logic in creating fire by rubbing rocks, there wouldn't be any fire as of now. Not everything is done by logic, sometimes instincts should be allowed to take over because to innovate, we need to think of the lines which we are already doing. Not that logic is such a bad thing, the right balance of logic and creativity can create wonders. We need to ask and find answers for whatever happens and applying logic to every possibility should be the next step... Curiosity, creativity combined with logic should be the way to go forward... Those, who miss any of these three, fail miserably... Consider a room full of equipments and a serious lack of imagination, will they be of any use? No, they won't be... Imagination is the first thing we need in order to visualize the end product of whatever efforts we are putting in.. Imagine working out in a gym just because you are said to do so, you would find it monotonous and useless. Now imagine working out in the same gym with the idea of getting into shape, visualizing that sculpted body would add vigor to the workout and we tend to enjoy the process by simply adding the meaning to the task at hand.

Consider yourself at a funeral, your friend has lost his grandmother who was 96 years old and is mourning her loss... Now the logic says every human being who is b

orn, has to die and every person who dies after 56 has lived the average life but does that mean that you'll go up to him and tell him to cheer up as this is normal, no point mourning loss of someone who lived way beyond the average life of humans.. You can imagine the consequences but then again you weren't wrong in what you said, it made sense and was full of logic but what logic fails at, is the timing... Same words, after a few days, would have made your friend feel way better than it was supposed to do then... We human beings are blessed with logical thinking but overdoing it would not only be boring, rather it'd be disastrous. Imagine there is rain in winters and instead of enjoying those raindrops, you are too engrossed worrying about why? Why it's raining all of a sudden out of its schedule? That isn't it's supposed to be... You'll miss the entire fun of your life. As they say, "What begins with a thought, ends like a story" Logic makes you wonder the same thing over and over again while thoughts just make it happen. Finding logic in everything will not lead you anywhere while taking ideas and thoughts from anything can lead you to an entirely different world of thoughts... Had Thomas Alva Edison thought about logic, we would have been sitting in dark even now, Had Alexander Graham Bell thought of logic, there wouldn't have been the telephones. Every experiment began from absolutely nothing and it creates something so amazing, which even now eludes our imagination.

Logic gives you explanation but Imagination creates chances. You can do without the explanation but definitely not without a chance. It is logical that it would be tough to breathe underwater but it is our imagination that we can find anything there. Logic binds us with limitations and whatever binds us stops the process of evolution. A mountain climber doesn't think of logic rather he visualizes the results and goes forward anyway if they had thought about logic we wouldn't have scaled any peaks even now. Logic says we cannot breathe in space but imagination sets up the possibility of life outside the planet. To conclude I would again stress on the fact that logic combined with imagination is a boon for us while over-dependence on it is disastrous...

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