Learning during the lockdown
Learning during the lockdown

The number of cases were spiking up at an unprecedented rate despite the lockdown. We were all locked by just foor walls, even a stroll morphing into the most detrimental mistake a human could ever make. Each passing day was spent inside our houses, the screen turned on to connect with friends and family dwelling in places thousand miles away.
Although the lockdown sounds as despondent as anything ever experienced, it has taught me lots.
Firstly, It has made me respect the luxuries I am surrounded with and the roof over my head. It has made me realise that having sanction to a balanced diet, clothes, and most of all a family is the biggest luxury for the members of the human race. In these trying times, there are many out there who have nothing to take support on but just a little ray of hope. They sleep shivering and cry invisible
tears as they see their children living the same life.
Adding onto that, I've learnt that humanity not just includes forgiveness, aiding others but even fighting your ego to help those who've hurt you.
The lockdown has brought me life-long lessons as each day I prepared tea or some buttermilk in the afternoon with my mother to feed the police surveilling the streets and ensuring that rules are adhered to.
Spending so much time with my family has made me understand that more vital than our hobbies, our studies is understanding those who will come in when all else leaves.
Despite the lessons, I still despise the lockdown due to the monotinity it brings with it. With crossed fingers, I hope that the scientists find a cure and be the reason for bringing the lifestyle of millions back!!