Know The Value Of Studies
Know The Value Of Studies
School is said to be home away from home. Here I am writing a story about a boy who doesn't want to go to school. A small incident happened and he started to go to school regularly. Raj is a small boy he doesn't want to go to school. He is not interested in studies. There is no particular reason for this. He just doesn't want to go. One day morning he was walking towards his school.
Suddenly he saw a small boy. The boy is working in a small hotel. Raj asked the boy "why you are working here? Why you are not going to school?" The small boy said"Dear f
riend, I want to go to school but my parents are poor. They can't send me to school. I can't afford to go to school. That is the reason why I am not able to go to school."
Raj felt very sad about the boy. He got to know the value of studies. Then onwards he started to go to school regularly. He started to read well and very soon he developed a good interest in studies. His parents and teachers are very happy. He studied well and he became a great doctor. He earned a lot of money. He donated money to many poor children so that they can go to school.