Joining Formalities
Joining Formalities

As people were watching him, he smiled at them and closed his eyes.
Within seconds all the voices fainted it was a new world with a panel of interviewers.
Like all the interviewers they started with the usual question tell me yourself.
Harichandran: Nice to meet you sir, mam
Interviewers: They discussed among themselves, and they checked his background records.
Everything was clean.
There was a discussion amongst the panel, and finally, they selected him.
Interviewers: You are one among the few, who had a clean record.
We are not able to fill up the vacancy. One of our subsidiary company stands overfilled and the other one vacant.
You are the first candidate in years to join this company.
Boo, Boo will help you, in managing the company there won’t be much work unlike the toiling works of our other subsidiary company.
Harichandran: Thank you, sir, I can’t take this post, and enjoy the perks, in a lonely environment.
It was my childhood ambition, to make a change,
Every day, I used to write a letter to your superior, he never replies, and when finally he invited me, I came to see him in person.
Interviewers: Our superior, she is busy. She has delegated work to us. We can convey your thoughts and concern to her.
Harichandran: Sir, after working for 60 years and with a lot of life experience, I can’t enjoy, by seeing my fellow life suffering.
I do have some thoughts, to fix the bug in life, I believe with this we can bring back our vacant subsidiary company towards bull from a bear.
Interviewers: carry on
Harichandran: Sir, let’s create a hormone called feedback, the hormone feedback like any hormones triggers an emotion with each good thing a person does,
For example, after teenage for his/her good deeds, their age, gets reduced by one in appearance, and it increases by one in experience and soul content.
For evil deed, they get aged, by 1 to 5 depending on the guilt, and their soul strengthens by 1 to 5.
Death being a prolonged time to judge a person, people are more prone to sin. Have the warnings in dreams can serve as feedback.
In the want to live a long life, people will never commi
t the crime, with kindness and love they tend to live long and with the fear of aging and dreams they get guided back to the neutral path.
Food should be free, for the elders, and kids.
If hunger has an age limit, crimes can get a climax.
The Superior has created all life forms equally, unfortunately, we exploit the weaker life forms and subdue towards the stronger ones.
When one gets the feel of abusing a section of life let them get converted into one of them, and feel it from their perspective.
Having empathy changes the perspective of life is it gender, be it a wild animal or a petit life.
Interviewers: It sounds to be great.
We’ll pass your thoughts to Yama, who deals with all the accounts, he needs to propose, to the superior.
Harichandran accompanied by BOO, BOO he met the others in their Parent company, and finally, he got introduced to YAMA.
With toiling day YAMA was exhausted after hearing to Harichandran he was recharged.
Then they did a came up with a presentation and plan.
It was the day where the entire board, was seated and the superior appeared he was dark and bright he didn’t have any gender just a voice with the fluctuating intensity of all life forms.
The Superior was happy, with Harichandran’s design he accepted it.
The board of directors was happy to implement it.
The superior posted him, back in Hell.
He said, your proposal will be accepted by us soon.
People like you need to spread these thoughts to me.
Superior: let us meet.
Darkness got expanded, and there were noises around,
People were taking a selfie, and busy in posting in whats up.
Someone was shaking the Harichandran,
Someone: wake up dada its time for Bedtime Stories.
Harichandran woke up, and people were stunned.
The doctor examined his pulse.
He declared he is healthy, it is a medical Miracle,
Harichandran knew it was not a medical Miracle.
He is yet to create the Miracle, by sharing ideas to god. From that day onward, he started writing children stories by reminding the god to protect and implement the ideas they discussed.