Once there was a boy who never knew how to use electricity meticulously. He used to never switch off lights and fan when not in use. Once it was Sunday morning, when he was playing a game on the computer and suddenly the power supply was cut and oh!! my god!! the battery was about to die...but when he went to keep the phone to charge.....he suddenly realized that electricity supply is on more there, then he was just mooching the time away as he had nothing to do, after a time he was unconscious about that electricity was still not supplied. he went to turn on the
tv but then he got an epiphany that ............. is no more. Then he got enlightened that he had to make his PPT presentation as he had presented in the class the next day but there was no battery that he could prepare. The very next day, he got scolded by his teacher. Then for two day, there was no electricity due to cyclonic weather. Then he thought that if this situation arises every day then we would suffer like anything. from then he started to save electricity at his own awareness. so we also should save electricity which is very crucial for our life.....