Eleena Thomas

Children Stories Fantasy Others


Eleena Thomas

Children Stories Fantasy Others

How the turtle got its shell

How the turtle got its shell

1 min

A long time ago, There was a God named Jupiter. It was his birthday and all the animals were invited to the party. All the animals came except for the turtle. God Jupiter got Angry and said, " Why didn't you come for the party? " The turtle calmly replied " that why should I have made such a long journey all the way to the other side of the country when I could have just enjoyed my self at home. " God Jupiter got Angry and said, " I will punish you because you are so lazy You are going to carry your home with you where ever you go ." 


 Did you know that a turtles shell is its home? It is very strong and helps it from any danger.

The Twist of the story

So in the end, the turtle was punished but, the shell became very helpful for the turtle.

                                                               THE END

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