Anonymous Little Creature

Children Stories Fantasy Children


Anonymous Little Creature

Children Stories Fantasy Children

Happiest Princess

Happiest Princess

2 mins

Once there was the king named, Michael. He was leading the happiest life with his wife. They loved each other. Suddenly the wife became ill. She died in the bed. Her death deeply affected the king. He was much worried about her. His officials wanted him to marry again. But he refused.

The king had an ultimate friendship with the Nightingale, the name of the eagle. Eagle lives in the high mountain peak. Once king helped Nightingale. Nightingale promised the king to help him, whenever he needs. Nightingale was sad on seeing the king. King was sad always. Nightingale remembered the days the king was happy. King was happy before his wife died. Nightingale lay in the shoulder of the king, both enjoyed well. They find peace by chatting each other.

Nightingale decided to take care of his friend. Nightingale went to meet many sages from various countries. But it can't find the solution. Nightingale didn't eat for many days. It went on weeping. King searched for his friend. But he could not find it. King became more sad.

Suddenly the fairy mother appeared before the Nightingale. Fairy mother guided the Nightingale.

Nightingale went to the river. Nightingale took the four maple leaves in its peak. Nightingale took the maple leaves to the fairy. When fairy used the magic wand, four leaves transformed into the happiest little princess. Nightingale called the guards and took the princess to the palace. 

King was happy to see the little princess. He named her as Happy, because she brought happiness in the king's life. Princess turned into beautiful princess. Later she married beautiful prince. King was happy to see his daughter and son-in-law. 

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