Half Incident
Half Incident

"WHAT? A BABA? You want me to meet some baba, really? But why?" Krisha asks Raj. Raj holds her shoulder turns her towards him and explains calmly, "Dear it's just for my satisfaction. Whatever I have heard about him has really astonished me and just for our safe future, I want you to meet him, please … “ Krisha half heartedly agrees.
Raj had already taken an appointment for Monday morning and while going to the ashram Raj is giving brief information to Krisha that baba is not so aged but really good at his predictions & mind reading. Krisha is not really interested in all those things.
They enter the ashram. The ashram is not so huge. It's a simple building with 10 rooms and one huge hall along with few other small halls. At that time baba was in a small room. One of the disciples of baba shows the direction to the room.
Krisha and Raj enter into the room. Baba is sitting on the other side of room with few people around him as this is the meeting time. Krisha and Raj join the crowd, as their turn comes, she looks at baba and a weird look comes in her eyes. Raj introduces her to baba by telling his name as Raghuvendra baba and baba looks at her and his eyes stop on her for a moment. Krisha told Raj that she is not feeling well, she is going back in car. Raj tries to stop her. Baba asks not to stop her and indicates others to go outside.
Baba asks Raj to explain his problem once again to him. Raj says, "As I told you before, my wife Krisha...she is absolutely fine, but I don’t know I felt that she has some problem which does not allow her to open herself fully. I feel that there is something bothering her deeply in her heart. I don’t know the exact thing as she never shared with me anything. She is always good with me & my family. She has fulfilled all our wishes, she has given me two beautiful children. But sometimes when I see tears in her eyes after our intercourses, I really feel that she has really something in her heart which is bothering her. Baba nods his head and asks Raj, "Have you tried to ask her ?' Raj says, "Not directly because it is only my feelings, my sixth sense which tells me all these things, not her behavior". Baba again nods his head and says, "Do try to bring her here again". Baba gives one letter to Raj and says, "Give this to your wife and take her here tomorrow."
None of them utter a word in car. As they reached the home, Krisha immediately goes into the bedroom, Raj follows her. Krisha stands near the window. Raj puts his hand on her shoulder and asks, "Are you ok?" Krisha nods. "Don’t mind Krisha but it was your misbehavior, you insulted baba. Although he didn’t mind and asked me to bring you there again & given this letter for you".
Raj takes out a letter from his pocket and gives that letter to Krisha, and left the room telling Krisha that he is having some official work so he is going out of town till morning. Raj's parents were on 'Yatra' and Raj sent children to Krisha's parents so that they can visit baba’s place & discuss the rest of the things . Krisha is looking towards the sky but her mind is running in her past .10 years ago, when her phone rang and when she unlocked her phone and read the message "Hello", which came from an unknown number, a message which changed her life. Two tears come down on her cheeks, she opens her eyes and starts reading the letter.
The first line was more important for her. Raj comes back next morning and asks her if she would come to meet baba again? Krisha agrees. Raj takes an appointment and they reach the ashram. Raj and Krisha enter in Baba's room. Baba asks Raj to leave the room. Raj left the room and baba says “Krisha". Krisha’s eyes were filled with tears, "Krisha, so Raghu now you'll call me Krisna?" Baba Raghvendra tries to keep his voice normal and not emotional. He says, "I didn’t think that we will meet again", Krisha nods. "Hmm", Krisha further says, "I am really sorry Raghu, I am really sorry". Raghu says "Please don’t say sorry , it was my fault". Krisha says, "No it was my fault" and runs out of the room. Raj enters into the room and asks baba, "Is everything ok?".
Baba says, " Yes", and says that he needs some more sessions to take her out of her sorrows. Raj feels relax and left room. He doesn’t ask anything to Krisha.
At night Krisha sleeps well , thinking something deeply. Raj decides that he will not ask her anything and will not get physical with her until the meetings with baba will not get completed & and he sleeps, too.
Krisha was thinking deeply and goes in her past, the message changed her life. The message was from her school friend. As per her habits, she asked for the name and when the name came on the screen, Krisha’s eyes twinkled with a smile, the name was Raghu and she opened her eyes and thinks that she is meeting Raghu after 10 years.
Their meeting with baba scheduled again on Saturday, they reach the ashram and Raj stays outside the room. Krisha get down on chair and started talking with baba, "Raghu, I want to tell you so many things." Raghu says, "Go ahead", Krisha starts, "Two months, two lovely months….. We were messaging and not just messaging, when you left the town for some personal reason for a few days my life chang
ed. A proposal of Raj came and my family insisted to get married as my Grandfather was very ill at that time. We last talked and you told me that your uncle passed away and so I couldn't make my self to message you. My phone was broken and I didnt try to find your number again as I didn’t have the courage to talk with you. And today after ten years I can't believe this. Krisha starts crying and leaves the room. Raj meets baba for a moment and they leave the ashram. Today Krisha is crying continuously and Raj feels guilty. He thinks that it is because of him Krisha is getting upset.
Raj was out of house till evening , today for the first time Raj knocked the main door, Raj has bouque in his hand, but he doesn't give it to Krisha.
Krisha without uttering a word goes in the bedroom, Raj follows her. Raj started talking, "I went to baba’s place. I was feeling very bad. I was thinking that you are so upset because of me. But I promise that we both will be fine." Krisha turns around and asks, "Why?" by her eyes. Raj put that bouquet on the table. He holds Krisha by her shoulder and makes her sit on sofa next to her and starts talking, "Krisha, baba or your old friend Raghu told me everything." Krisha is looking at Raj and again turns towards the door just to avoid eye contact. Raj continues, "Raghu told me that you both were studying together in school, normally just like any boy and girl in school but after school when he finds your number and started messaging you, within sometime you both realized that you both have feelings for each other. You both realized that you both are not just classmates but you both like eachother. You both were chatting for two months and then my proposal came to your family and because of your grandfather’s health you had to get ready and marry me. This is just your past, on the other hand he also passed from some bad tragedy. Krisha turns towards Raj and he continues his talks, “Yes Krisha, you were blaming yourself all these years to betray him. He has sent this letter for you explaining everything." Raj takes out the letter from his pocket and gives it to Krisha . She wipes her tears and immediately opens the letter.
Destiny, Krisha destiny. I used to say many things depend on destiny but I didn’t think that destiny will play so cruely with us. You were sad by thinking that you have betrayed me, and I was blaming myself that I have betrayed you. I can't imagine the same situation again which occured with me before ten years. Let me explain. As you remember my uncle had died, we immediately left town to come here, yes Krisha this is the place where I came and everything changed. If you remember I once told you that my uncle was a SADHU, he was doing all his work here where I am now. When we came here the question raised that who will take his blessings and heritage!!! Means who will be the one who will handle his ashram? We decided to complete rituals first after the death of my uncle. I performed his 'antimkriya'. I burnt my uncle’s body and my dreams altogether. Many people gathered to decide who will handle the ashram in future. Normally his son has to take over everything but my uncle was not married so it came over my father's shoulder but my father denied to do that so after him, it came over me. Of course, it was also shocking for me at that time but my parents as usual didn’t fight for me and said “DO AS YOUR WISH” and I took the most difficult decision of my life. I took all the responsibilities of this ashram on my shoulder. I still had regret that I ruined your life also. When I saw you in the ashram, I couldn't tell you how many things were going in my mind. I was happy to find that you are married. But when I came to know about your part, I was astonished by destiny. Our destiny! We both couldn’t continue our beautiful relationship but also couldn't tell each other. Since 10 years we are living in the same city. What a wonder! What a wonder!!!
Krisha, I am calling you Krisha because now I am not your Raghu and can't be any more. Yet this letter and my explanations towards Raj and you are important to move on in our life ahead. Being baba Raghuvendra I was suffering from this guilt, but now I think none of us should feel guilty. Don't feel guilty Krisha, don't. I have told Raj that if I know you, you'll relax today and will be his for real and forever.
I hope you will actually live your relation with Raj not only physically but also mentally. I am leaving the ashram today and shifting to Haridwar as my uncle wanted to open a new ashram there. I am going Krisha and perhaps I was here just to explain my situation. I really feel that our destiny which made us feel guilty all these years made us meet and get things clarified. I think you'll be purged soon.
Bye Krisha !! Goodbye for now and forever……
The letter drops from Krisha's hand and she turns towards Raj & gives a tight hug to him. Raj hugs back more tightly. Krisha says, "Sorry Raj, Sorry, for all these years, Sorry." Raj says, "No dear, please, don’t be sorry. I hope you are ok now."
Krisha says, "Yes I am ok now & I want to tell you something which I have never told you. I LOVE YOU Raj . Thank you for being always with me." Raj says, " Krisha just leave me for while." Krisha makes him free. He sits down on his knees and gives that bouquet to her and asks, "Will you be totally mine for the rest of our life ?", Krisha is stilll crying and nods her head and again she hugs him tightly…..