Go Corona
Go Corona

O pandemic (Corona) you are very dangerous. But you gave a fruitful relief to some creatures. Animals got freedom. We are locked in our houses with a chain of relationships. We have got some time to refresh ourselves. Besides the busy of awful lives. Ozone layer got reborn. Our lives got a new kick start. Let's, thankful to our real heroes, during this pandemic situation who recreated our lives by place their lives at death.
Lights off. The game starts. We stepped in to our busy lives. Mom kick starts her work early in the morning. The students have been running to the schools. The workers take up their duties. It was a very pleasant day after a pandemic situation. Nature has a warm welcome for all. All are doing well with their works. They have some social distancing for few months with a gap of shifts. Traffic comes over the control in which we can listen to the chirping of birds. Indian's culture rises like a bright future to all over the world. All are helpful to each other. They have bright hopes on future. All people have learnt a lesson. They started to plant more and more trees. Global warming got stable day by day. All got huge respect on police, doctors,
Cleaning agents etc. They taught as more than of a God Gift to us in academic classes. Until then they are not less than that. Industries got decreases, but they focus mainly on nature, bioproducts, ban on chemicals etc. Unemployed got employed due to the good starting focuses on nature.
And a new belief gonna create among us i.e owls to be avoided. It's not true. Do not focus on negative things, think about what we can do to overcome our troubles. Many things we taught by corona
1) Hygiene
2) Avoid handshakes do namaskar
3) Wastage of food be avoided, as they are many hunger deaths caused due to lack of food.
4) Humanity have a helping hand without having transparent to publicity.
5) Be helpful, be safe.
6) Do not try to pour mud on others. It will hit hardly to you.
And last but not least. A new beginning starts with a pandemic. But give a greater (new) results. Even a newborn baby cries at first before creating some new innovations.