sonali nilwarn

Children Stories Inspirational


sonali nilwarn

Children Stories Inspirational

Did That Painting Wink At Me?

Did That Painting Wink At Me?

3 mins

One day in the morning on Sunday, my father said that we will go to the museum. Then we went to the museum at 12:00 afternoon. We saw various paintings, old books, clocks, clothes, weapons and many more in the museum. I was looking at the paintings. That time I saw Monalisa painting, then I looked front and I felt Monalisa is winking at me. I thought in my mind that “did that painting wink at me”? Then again I looked front again I felt that Monalisa is winking at me and I saw it clearly she was winking really. She smiled, her teeth were red and dirty. I was very afraid and tensed. I ran from there to save my life and hug my parents. And tell all that was happening with me. My parents replied, "let’s see, come with me."

Then we went there where I saw the painting. My parents told nothing is there here, let’s go and see other things. We walked front then I turned back, the painting was rotating, I called my parents and said the painting is rotating see. But my parents did not trust me. I was very afraid, tensed and worried. Then we went home. I opened the door, I saw the Monalisa painting again. I was shocked and the painting suddenly went.

Then at night, we were sleeping, suddenly someone was calling my name slowly. I woke up and I saw a beautiful fairy calling me. Her eyes were blue, she wore a pink sparkling dress, her hair was golden and she was having white sparkling wings. The fairy told me, I know your problem that Monalisa painting is troubling you and I will help you in that. I felt the fairy was very nice and sweet, she was helping me.

Then we both went to that museum, we searched that Monalisa painting. Then the fairy gave me a magical bottle. That bottle was sparkling and had a blue shiny diamond. The fairy told to me, "go in front of that painting and open the bottle’s cap." Then I did the same that fairy told me. The painting’s spirit went into that bottle and I immediately closed the cap of the bottle. The fairy told that now everything is fine here, the ghost has gone. Then the fairy told me that she put the spirit in the bottle with magic. The fairy also told that the man who painted the eyes of Monalisa is the special art in it, from anywhere we will see the painting it will look that she is looking at you. She told me that she removed the fears from my heart. Then I said, "but the painting was rotating and smiling, how?" She replied that "this was the imagination of your fears." Then I told, "Thank You fairy for helping me."

Moral: - Fear is death, fear is sin, fear is hell, fear is unrighteousness, fear is wrong life. All the negative thoughts and ideas that are in the world have proceeded from this evil spirit of fear. Let your faith be bigger than your fear.


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