





8 mins

Khitish was a young man of 23 years old. He was the only son of Girish babu who was a reputed merchant in the village named Sitapur. Sajani. the wife of Girish Babu was a good housewife. She was a graduate lady.

She was often worried for Khitish. Because he was a bank officer who was unwilling to marry. Always she persuaded him to bring a daughter in-law to home. Girish babu was remaining busy on his business most of the time. So he was not getting any leisure to think on this genuine issue. 

Sitapur was a decent village which was famous for natural beauties. Surrounded by the hills and green forest. Sitapur was attracting many people coming from outside esp. young college students and amateur youths were regularly plying to the spot during November and December each year to enjoy the beauties of nature.

Once a couple with their daughter arrived at Sitapur to refresh themselves out of the urban hubbubs. Their daughter was a University student. Her name was Bobby . While they entered in the village their car was exhausted of fuel. So the driver parked the car under a banyan tree situated nearby Girish babu's house. The urban family walked on to village in pursuit of petrol. In the nick of the moment Girish babu was standing by the gate of his house and took notice of the approaching strangers. He inquired. " Who are you Sir. " Instantly he got the detailed information from headman of the family. " I belong to Samastipur town. We had come to enjoy the beauties of your village and sceneries of the natural

surroundings. Unexpectedly fuel was entirely consumed and we were bound to come to your village Sir. But you didn't give your identity. " Girish Babu take it for granted as appropriate and replied. " I am Girish. My profession is business. I am also a permanent resident of Sitapur village. " " OKay thank you Sir. " answered the family head .

Girish babu was hospitable by nature. He was happy to see them and out of courtesy he requested them to take a momentary halt in his house so that he could afford to arrange petrol for their vehicle from the vicinity. " May I ask your name Sir" Girish babu modestly told the stranger head man. " My name is Prasant. I am an A class contractor. She is Gita. my wife. She is Bobby. my daughter. She is now in her last year PG. " Replied the headman. " Thank you all " retorted Girish babu. Then they complied with Girish babu and entered into their house. Sarada Devi. the wife of Girish babu greeted the incoming strangers. They were seated on the sofa. Sarada devi offered them tea and Monaco salty biscuits very cordially that were accepted by the new comers. Basically all mothers want their children's well being any how; Sajani devi was not aloof too in the context of such connotation. Her mind was always engrossing with the thought of marriage of Khitish. She was craving for a girl who would be her inlaw. She stared at the face whose beauty appeased her. She roamed in the imaginary field as if Bobby was her would-be dauhterinlaw. 

However she asked Bobby . " What's your aim after completing PG? Whether would you be a housewife or a service holder in future? Bobby answered. " Yes Auntie I want to be self dependant either as a service holder or an entrepreneur. Then I may consider for marriage Auntie " Just in the meantime while conversation was being held on. Mr. Khitish retured home. It was dusk. He entered in the 

lavatory for self refreshment. After finishing routine he received a cup of tea and a piece of toast from his mom's hand. Younghood always inclined towards opposite sex. Khitish wasn't an exception. While taking the sips of tea sitting on the sofa he 

furtively was glancing at Bobby . She also was doing vice versa.

Nevertheess. Sajani Devi was detecting the exchange of anxious eye sights she was silent. She know that both the young soul were then emotionally inclined to each other. Inside her heart she felt a little bit gleeful without any expression. But Girish and Prasant babu were so engrossed in gossipping that they could not be able to know what was happening on the sofa. Sajani Devi silently entered in the kitchen to prepare dinner. Beforehand she served all tea for the second time. As it was night time and petrol pump was two kilometres away from the village. the parents of Khitish requested Pasant babu. " Please make a night halt in our house tonight Sir. Tomorrow morning I'll go to the petrol pump and bring you petrol. Moreover I must accompany with you up to the jungle and also guide you. Because you are new comer to our area. There are no royal tigers. Only you will find leopards and hyenas. Elephants.  deer. bears and snakes etc are living. 

 " Mr. Prasant babu agreed with the suggestion of Girish Babu and stayed. After taking the dinner Prasant 's family slept in their respecteive rooms alloted by Girish babu after enjoying the dinner. It was midnight.Suddenly Girish heard a hard knocking sound at the door. His nap was disturbed. He got up from the bed and opened the door. He was amazed to see Gita behind the door. He asked. " What happened? Why did you waked me up. It is midnight. What's the problem? " " No problem at all. I wanna use your lavatory as I am called by nature. The bulb inside it has been fused.First time in my life I stayed at village. So I am afraid of moving alone. Please give me your torch light. " " I have no dry celled torch. I must accompany with you upto the toilet. Please come. I will use mobile torch. " " OK " Bobby told. Both were young.Natural instinct bewildered both of them. All family members were asleep. Bobby

. after easying herself. came out of the toilet. Khitish was standing outside. Bobby was a smart urban girl. She tilted herself closure to Khitish and whispered in his ear. " Darling I love you. Let us have a gossip for sometime and sleep. " Khitish was taken aback by Bobby's whispering. He then told Bobby. " Thank you. I was waiting for your confirmation. At the first glance at you I felt so. But I could not express openly like you. I love you too. If you wanna marry me. I have to wait until your academic career will be over. Don't be so haste. First of all let our parents know our desire. " " OK. Let it be so tomorrow I will tell my parents" told Bobby. 

Then they both entered their respective rooms and had a sound sleep. In the morn. Bobby told her mom what was her desire. Gita devi. her mom. communicated the secret message to Sajani Devi. As preparatory work was to be for jungle visit. both the mothers waited to discuss about this sensitive matter with their husbands after coming back home. As that was a working day fór Khitish. he left home for Bank at sharp 9 am. So all the family members of Girish except Khitish and Prashant Babu's family were ready to start for the picnic as per the decision was taken. In the morning Girish babu had arranged Petrol from the nearby market for Prashant Babu's Car as per his promise last night. But Girish babu told all. " Don't worry. I have hired a truck. All the accessories for picnic will be loaded " thereon. We will sit by driver's seat." OK" all aporeciated the arrangement. 

It was 11 am. The truck reached at the door. All got in the after loading was over. They reached at the jungle side and cooking started beside a brook. All enjoyed the beauties of the hills and 

the wild animals. In the afternoon all took their feast and started return journey. Khitish also returned home. Both the family members also took a light snacks and coffee before going to bed. Gita and Sajani Devi told about the future marriage proposal of Khitish and Bobby to their husbands who became happy. Both the parents waited for five years henceforth. 

Time and tide wait for none. By the by five years passed away. Ms. Bobby also joined in the bank as Scale I officer. Meanwhile Khitish was promoted to Scale II officer too. Again the month of December approached. In some of the Indian villages till today the rigid caste system is prevailing nevertheless our country now experiences the modern atmosphere. Sitapur was not an exception too. As Bobby hailed from a higher cast family. many kith and kins of Girish babu raised objection to such proposal. But Girish Babu was headstrong. He straightforwardly told them. " During the twenty first century you are just like the frogs of a well. You don't go through the change that has taken place at present. I know only two castes one is man another is woman. If you don't like inter caste marriage. you may not attend the ceremony. It is upto you. You may keep me as a taboo in the village. But Khitish definitely will marry Bobby. " While such argument was arisen up to zenith. the Sarpanch interjected. " Stop the quarrelling. Girish Babu is right. He is neither superstitious nor conservative like you. Rather he is liberal and noble. Comply with him. Never argue. Participate in his son's marriage ceremony without any bias. Make the marriage of Khitish and Bobby successful. Otherwise I will be bound to take action against you. " The strict tradition f the Sarpanch drastically changed the notion of the conservative kith and kins and the villagers. All were convinced by the Sarpanch. Girish babu was happy enough. He called on the astrologer and fixed the date. During the last week of December Khitish and Bobby entered into the conjugal bond as per Sanatani tradition through sacred matrimony. People of the locality and staff members of Khitish and Bobby started whispering to one another. " Factually God has long before selected them both to be husband and wife. Nobody can stop. Moreover it is just an example of eternal embrace in the ultra modern age.



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