Intriguing, Life unravels its webs... Intriguing, Life unravels its webs...
I do everything in pursuit of joy. But the “I” is not joyful each moment. I do everything in pursuit of joy. But the “I” is not joyful each moment.
A spider lives behind my couch, I see her every time I crouch. A spider lives behind my couch, I see her every time I crouch.
"You spun a web Around my head How beautifully Your deeds have spread" "You spun a web Around my head How beautifully Your deeds have spread"
Brooding about them all night long Makes me weep and frustrates me. Brooding about them all night long Makes me weep and frustrates me.
Entangled in a web of woe, Entangled in a web of woe,