Rishita Prabhu

Others Children


Rishita Prabhu

Others Children

Thank You Gandhiji

Thank You Gandhiji

1 min

Dear Gandhi Ji…..

Back in those days we were lost and made no sense,

Then you came along and taught us to live with independence.

We were having a war with the English, the situation was very dense,

But you taught us how to fight with non- violence.

You taught us cleanliness,

And for that we are trying, I hope you will bless.

I had stolen chocolates and lied about it because I had a sweet tooth

Then my mom told me your stories and I learned how to say the truth.

Now because of you, I will always be, living with honesty.

And thank you for teaching us the values from three monkeys.

I thank you Gandhi Ji lots and lots,

This is for everything you taught.

So my dear friends,

I hope you thank Gandhi Ji too,

For everything, he has taught you.

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