Thank You Gandhiji
Thank You Gandhiji

Dear Gandhi Ji…..
Back in those days we were lost and made no sense,
Then you came along and taught us to live with independence.
We were having a war with the English, the situation was very dense,
But you taught us how to fight with non- violence.
You taught us cleanliness,
And for that we are trying, I hope you will bless.
I had stolen chocolates and lied about it because I had a sweet tooth
Then my mom told me your stories and I learned how to say the truth.
Now because of you, I will always be, living with honesty.
And thank you for teaching us the values from three monkeys.
I thank you Gandhi Ji lots and lots,
This is for everything you taught.
So my dear friends,
I hope you thank Gandhi Ji too,
For everything, he has taught you.