Subtle Echo
Subtle Echo

It was
Just not another feel
Had the magic
To assuage and heal
It was like
A gentle prick in the heart
And the body became numb
Enjoyed every bit of this pause
Refused to have a fresh start
It was
Not just a whisper
Some palpable warmth
Sprung from its core
Moments of urge
Got the better of indolence
Reasons of inertia
Were relegated to yore
And I inched slowly
As felt the need to get clo
It was
Not an ordinary inkling
Was replete with
Niche values of romance
That the sacred connect
Had in its offering
And I started savoring
Each ounce
That came my way
Without asking
It was
A rare platter of learning
Where providential guideline
Caught me unawares
Honed essence of existence
My stranded soul got the hint
Unraveled the mystic sense
Echoed my purpose of living.