One sunny summer afternoon,
She left her toddler like a blue moon,
Got a medical emergency for a friend,
Decided to go as soon as she heard,
She called up her aunt living nearby,
Sighed a relief saying thank you to the sky,
Her aunt was an age old tough,
Who couldn't understand him so rough,
She gave him to play with her dough,
It's so easy what's so tough?
She went to sleep being tension free,
Leaving alone tiny pokemon so glee,
Mumma returned after two hours long,
Missing her champ musing humpty song,
Opened her door and called out his name,
Couldn't recognise the master and the dame,
Her new quilt was no where to be seen,
White tiles which were once of green,
Its cotton was all over her bedroom wall,
She gave her aunt a wake up call,
Cut and pasted in some letters form,
She panicked but tried to stay calm,
As she stepped into the drawing,
She saw her own face drawing,
Her munchkin had unstuffed the new quilt,
And happily enjoying without any guilt,
She couldn't scold but laugh at him,
It's his age to do why to whim,
He quickly jumped to her seeing,
And told he did all alone being,
She now understood what went wrong,
Leaving him ready to give a bong.