

1 min

Passed on to us, by the Gods

Companion to the Saints, Kings and Lords.

Music is surely a godly thing to come our way.

It stirs your soul and stirs your mind.

The true and timely solace, in Music, we find.

From Lord Krishna in the woods,

To Guru Nanak in his praising moods.

Music is surely a godly thing to come our way.

It has the magic and it has the art.

It has produced men like Tansen and Mozart.

Men of God have set the prayers to the Raga.

From Beethoven to Freddie's Radio Ga-Ga.

Music is surely a godly thing to come our way.

Music was then, Music is now.

Music will remain and make our lives a vow-vow.

Music is surely a godly thing to come our way.

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