Lost Love
Lost Love

The flowers blossomed
And the fruits fell…
But passing days,
Had another story to tell!
Standing in the field
In the middle of heat…
The trees were aghast
With the treatment, they did meet.
Serving mankind,
For ages long.
Giving shelter and food,
Pure air for prolong.
Mortals came
To chop them down.
As another edifice
Was coming up in town!
Was this love
For the service they gave?
Silently they cried as they were torn down
For someone to come and save.
Bundled in logs
They were being lugged.
How they missed those people,
Who had given them once a hug.
Note: This poem is a tribute to the people of Himalayas who came together in the 1970s to protect trees and forests during Chipko Movement.