Life And Values

Life And Values

2 mins

Culture -

Some letters and yet many values.

A word but holds billions of memories,

That requires trillions of words to convey. 

We never know when it came

But we know it will never go away.

And that is how life goes on.

We follow Cultures, but not life

We follow tradition, but not life

They can't be forced on others,


color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">They are imbibed in one's free will

Let them shine above us as they have always been,

Let them sing the glories of this human civilization,

Let them know where we stand right now.

Are we capable enough to pass on the history

Or we just let them go?

It's a choice that is to be made individually,

It's a path that is to be followed alone,

There should not be any pressure,

And finally, watch how life takes the flight.

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