Meera betham


Meera betham

I Need Love

I Need Love

1 min

I enter into the world

From my mother's womb

With broken heart

So I need love

I got love from my mother

From my father

I thought it's enough for me

When I'm growing

I realized it's not enough for me

So I'm searching

I got love from all

From my brothers, sisters

Elders, neighbours and teachers

But I found variations in love

I experienced all type of loves

I thought it's for me

When I enter into the teenage

I started attracting opposite sex

It's a magical love

Hilarious love


p>I found more joy

I fly in dreamland of love

One day it breaks my heart

I realized love a trash

It's most stupid thing at all

So I left it

I moved away from it

The days going on

My broken heart falls ill

I want love to repair my heart

Again I'm searching love

Finally I found the true love

The love from my soulmate

Showers on me

It's a lifelong love

Forever love

I know I need love

In each and every stage in my life

Love is a fuel of life

Everybody needs love

To run the life vehicle

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