Universe is an utter enigma
In its fetus
Innumerable stars engender in chorus
With numerous galaxies it alone adorn
What a grand echelon it alone construes as champion
We only bemused to watch its grand celestial panorama in our vision!
We human perhaps only dare to gauge its motion
Pulsar, Quasar, all proves our endeavour and inclination
We tend to explore the cosmic world
How intriguingly it influence us to herald
Scientists devote their toil and sacrifice
Only to uphold its intriguing edifies and ties
Whether intrinsic or extrinsic
We are largely guided by universe mystic!
Gold, Silver, Copper, Iron
Plenty elements are its creation which shower on Earth’s floor
All are the product of heat and pressure
To explode with variety only to render an amazing composure
Amazing resonance they all carry
To promote a grand symphony
Matter, Anti-Matter, Thesis, Anti-Thesis
All manifest with serendipity of unpredictable synthesis!
We all are just me
re a dot
Yet we cannot indulge to become rot
Past always propound on us
Paves the way to move with onus
We are mere a process
Where continuous change only ensure our progress
Radiation, Emission, Association and Assimilation
Instigate us only to move with sheer jubilation!
How many of us do realise really
We all are consist of all elements which universe offer generously
Unique minerals and metals universe engender
By virtue of heat, pressure and temperature
All individual on Earth possess inherent quality
Some may manifest
Some remain in hidden crest
In different conditions it display different hue
What a grand beauty alone universe offer us like glue!
I wonder whether our idea is also a matter
It alone having the capacity to make huge clatter
With changing hue it too make a grand flavor
Life itself is a rendition of changed version of idea with clamour
I guess, only human cerebral having the might
To express the reflections it receive with delight