"Heaven Has Eyes Too"

"Heaven Has Eyes Too"

1 min

As I lay my sentiments over melodious rhythms,

My life goes away breath by breath,

With so many blunders to blame worthiness,

My soul crying for revelations and in thy forename.


It’s so worthless to stay what I am,

Lost in the materialistic fame and dexterous game,

Hell beneath the earth corroded in shame

And my heaven succumbing to death.


As cold lays and night crawls,

My hands go shaky and body pale,

Will anyone ever read this letter?

Of my yearnings and comfortable numbness.


The death is so seductive,

It’s pious and unprejudiced,

I always had a place for you,

And I will let you look back and ponder over-death.


I am a worn-out atmosphere,

Of humans and their insecure beliefs,

I was always in an immense falsehood,

Of life and death.


As I take the last breath,

I blame none and reward everyone

I will rest in peace and love,

And my beloved friend, heaven has eyes too.

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