Next seven years Filled with ups and downs But then my hard work Earned me a crown 'Harr... Next seven years Filled with ups and downs But then my hard work Earned...
Evergreen and never fading The Harry, Ron and Hermione trio Together they achieved the impos... Evergreen and never fading The Harry, Ron and Hermione trio Together the...
I want to be like harry potter. I want to be like harry potter.
The boy who wore round spectacles, Whose brown messy hair covered up his bony skull... The boy who wore round spectacles, Whose brown messy hair covered up his bony...
Lost in the rat race of life, This Potterhead missed Albus Dumbledore... Lost in the rat race of life, This Potterhead missed Albus Dumbledore...
I see Harry Potter flying on his broom He must be practising, I assume I see Harry Potter flying on his broom He must be practising, I assume