Enchanting Balloons
Enchanting Balloons

Great it is to sit under the sun
Or behind the balloons when I run
Of course playing with them is always fun.
To me balloons are a constant fascination
Sure I can say that without hesitation.
In the market I saw balloons of various kinds
All shapes, colors and sizes I could find
Magenta, blue, green, red and yellow
Balloons enchanted every jolly good fellow
I too bought a few for me
Then in the company of my friends utterly free
We played with them in joy and glee.
Before sleeping I kept them on a proud display
But next morning found them all gone away
>My balloons, there were none
A lot I cried as I was left alone
Mom-my friend and an all time guide
Came running to be my side
“My balloons……they were so close to my heart
I thought we will never be apart.”
Mom said “sweetheart, they all have burst
And see what they taught us just
In this world everyone who has come
Must go back on a day or some
So remove from life everything dark
And instill in a spirit of spark
Good deeds will surely reflect back
So try to follow a righteous track
And live this life with full dignity
And attempt to roll into the eternity.”