The body and soul are already scarred What is left to save and be marred You look still at t... The body and soul are already scarred What is left to save and be marred ...
Don't make my story so immortal With faceless bondage It is so loveful to kiss Don't make my story so immortal With faceless bondage It is so loveful to...
But only the strongest achieve it, As the weaker can never reach it… But only the strongest achieve it, As the weaker can never reach it…
Dear sky, open your bosom; And receive my soul from earth; I feel trapped inside a lifeline Dear sky, open your bosom; And receive my soul from earth; I feel trapped inside...
"Let every Bondage be, Thou sweetest of the Universe, Like that which ravished thee" "Let every Bondage be, Thou sweetest of the Universe, Like that which ravished t...
They know well that I can never forget them, As we were the flowers of one orchid... They know well that I can never forget them, As we were the flowers of one or...