Be Free, Live Now!

Be Free, Live Now!

1 min

Moral values which we studied

Educational values which we learned

Family values which are forever

Doesn’t make you person with fun!

Heart demands love and mind demands brain

That’s a deadly combo because tears makes it a waste!

Going to parties doesn’t make you cheap,

What else could be cheaper than a ‘beep’!

Do what you want, never hurt the dear ones

Dude, it’s your life. Does not turn in into under others!

Live, laugh, love – that’s the mantra for success

But do not forget to repeat it on the day next!

Don’t pursue any course to study

Pursue your dreams to make your life funny!

Because once you cross this stage

Never expect this time to collide

So after some 20 years

be somewhere where your young laughs will be memorise!!

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