Writing is not Life, but sometimes it can be a way back to life. https://arciousin.wordpress.com
During he Second World War there was a boy named Elbert who lived in the western part of Japan. During he Second World War there was a boy named Elbert who lived in the western...
This place totally unknown to him. As he stepped forward without knowing anything he fell inside a d... This place totally unknown to him. As he stepped forward without knowing anythin...
The magician met the princess and prayed for her health. The magician met the princess and prayed for her health.
There are many ways to begin this story but I will begin this with the emergence of the Crumes who c... There are many ways to begin this story but I will begin this with the emergence...
Moral: Haste is Waste. Haste leads to destruction and nothing else. Moral: Haste is Waste. Haste leads to destruction and nothing else.
The group of people stayed for 3 days until they got the correct time. The group of people stayed for 3 days until they got the correct time.
The angel sent back James to his family and from that day both the brothers regularly came to visit ... The angel sent back James to his family and from that day both the brothers regu...
Once upon a time, there lived two brothers, James and Fames. Once upon a time, there lived two brothers, James and Fames.
Long, long ago in a small town of Denmark’s capital city Copenhagen there lived a small boy named Da... Long, long ago in a small town of Denmark’s capital city Copenhagen there lived ...
In the 35th century, there was a boy named Hungary. His aim in life was to become a Programmer In the 35th century, there was a boy named Hungary. His aim in life was to becom...