Doctrate degree in Chemical Engineering ; Worked as a Senior Executive Scientist at a CSIR Laboratory ; Expertise in RO membrane Technology and Water desalination ; Catalysis engineering ; Separation technologies ;
What is good for me is evil for her What is God for me is devil for her What is good for me is evil for her What is God for me is devil for her
All that is gold does not glitter All that is old does not wither All that is gold does not glitter All that is old does not wither
But it marked the beginning Of a new world order But it marked the beginning Of a new world order
We are the past We are the past
Welcome home Welcome home
The pleasant dreams The pleasant dreams
Let us shred ignorance Let us shred ignorance
Time is determined every time By your feelings & emotions Time is determined every time By your feelings & emotions
That despises content !! That despises content !!