My Growth!
My Growth!
I was just a bud when I realized I wanted to grow;
They told “study hard n get a good degree and you will grow”;
I did burn midnight oil and got a good degree!
Then they said “get a good job and you will grow”;
I did get a good job!
Then they said “get married and you will grow”;
I did find a partner and got married!
But I wasn’t growing a bit, I was growing desperate , wasn’t content and I wasn’t complete still.
They continued their list and said” have a few children and you will grow”;
<p>I did birth a couple of children !
I still needed to grow.
May be I was growing in their eyes. These were those worldly parameters they measured my growth but least were these mine.
I realized I wasn’t actually growing until I shut myself up from the outside clutters and decided to dig deep within and suddenly found the source of my growth!
I introspected, I analysed and dissected matters down to its only truth, I matured and became that blooming flower spreading its fragrance and colours of joy around !
I grew a lil more and I am growing!