Where Do We Fall?
Where Do We Fall?

I would like to ask how and where do people fall in life? Depressions are at different levels, age groups and severity. School children worry about their marks, getting into college and their little affairs; but is it really worth it? Ofcourse growing up under the guidance of brown parents has led me to focus all on studies. Parents sending their children to tuitions, coaching centers like Narayana/Akash/FIITJEE spending lacs of money; but is it really worth it? True every parent wants their children to be successful in life, but by sending them to coaching centers for 7 hours? After somehow struggling through school and all the taunts by the peer, teachers and parents; a child goes to college. Ofcourse the expectations are high, expectations like freedom and independence, when one day he realizes that college life is going to be even tougher, struggling to make new friends, getting attendance, credits, and what not? He starts to miss his school life and compares it with the college life. Parents used to say study in 12th you’ll enjoy in life, did they lie? The truth perhaps is studying never stops. You can never stop learning, each day you learn something new or find an easier way to do something you’ve been doing for a while now. Some of us are introverts while some are really good in making friends. The introverts think that they can stay without talking to anyone as its just a matter of few hours and then they’d reach home from the hell they call “college.” On the other hand the people who are really good in mixing up with new people scare the introverts maki
ng them feel more uncomfortable. The introvert is struggling as others tease him and he stays quite; but is it really
Worth it? Few years from now everything will be changed, friends, colleges, and priorities. Do we fall when we forget to change with time? Did our parents not change as time advanced? Are we going to do the same mistake by not moving forward?
Change is the rule of nature. One has to accept it no matter how hard it is and move on. Change your priorities, change your friends and change yourself. Move on you soldier. You have the power. You all do. Just when you think it’s falling apart, this is when you have to make your wisest decision, not because it’s necessary, because you know you can.
Rise and shine, when you think of giving up on something and the voices in your head start telling you that it’s too late, too dark and too cold to start again. Negative thoughts that’s still a rebellion, pretending not to hear your brain commanding them to move. But you didn’t ask their opinion, the voice you have chosen to listen to is the one of defiance, the voice that says there was a reason you wanted to do it at the first place.
Always always always believe in yourself; cause if you don’t , then who will?
This is to all the people regardless of their age, job and position. You have been doing great all your life. It’s been a difficult path you chose to be on. You have the power to cross it and reach the sweet home of success. I want you to know that you’re very brave.