Pranav Khatri



Pranav Khatri


I Wish

I Wish

4 mins

While you're struggling through your examinations, there's a man who is very poor and can't even find food to eat. Also there is a man who is rich and is sitting in a very powerful position. According to most of you the poor man must have not got any education but the rich man must be from an educated family. Think again.

Right now, there might be a student finishing his evening in a discussion which is slipping out of hands with his parents, asking, "Why does he have to study subjects he would never use in his life? while his other friends are playing merrily downstairs. The parents would lie and say something like "To have a secure future, you are going to need a college, these subjects will help you get a good college." Doesn't 'We never had this opportunity when we were younger' seem to be parents' favorite line? They do know that the times have changed and what he says makes perfect sense, but they would  ignore him and yell at him for answering back just to get over with the discussion.

Do you know why they would lie? They would not lie just to make him quiet, they would not lie because they do not want to argue, they would also not lie because they promised his teacher that their son will study more at home or at tuitions.

They would lie because they do not know anything themselves. The truth is, in their entire adult life they have not applied Integration or Flemming's left-hand rule or even made a cash flow statement themselves. They are gonna stick to the thinking that they have the sharpest child in the class but they will allow the society to tell you that their 'sharp' brain is easily distracted or is restless.

How many tests have you given in your life thinking that this one is very important and I have to score well in this? How many dates have you memorized just so you could use them in an exam and never use it again? How many times has it happened that while you were sitting in a class, listening very carefully, and still forgetting what the teacher said after the lecture was over? How many A grades did you get which were never asked for when you applied for a college or  even in high school for that matter. All that tension was worth for nothing but a red pen on a white sheet telling you how much you were able to remember the night before your exam.

Does this mean that rememb

ering 5 minutes earlier would have made you more qualified for the job? Most of the people especially the ones in high school want to lock themselves up, make excuses for not going to school or act sick to gain the sympathy of the parents when they get "bad" marks. Now, what are bad marks exactly? There is no exact definition. For some it maybe 40 and for some it maybe 70.

Your friends get more marks than you, your parents pressurize you to go for tuitions and extra classes, "offering" to do stuff so that you could study properly, and then later when you do not get the marks they expected, say, "we are doing everything we can and still you're not getting good grades." Teachers in the school telling you what you are capable of or to quote, "If you could not understand it yet, you can never understand it now, so leave it." The worst part is that you believe them, you believe them telling you what you are actually capable of. This is when you would start locking yourself up in your rooms, get depressed or tend to overconcentrate. This would lead to nothing but frustration causing irregular mood swings.

Exams are society's method of telling you what you are worth. But how can you believe the society which is telling you what you are capable of? This is the same society that treats fair people better than dark complexed people. The same society that judges people on their looks. The same society in which parents want 'well-educated kids' but boast how rich the Ambanis are. Governments that make fake policies and ministers who make fake promises.

The main motive is survival. All the examinations you give which have been classified, namely, Semester-1, Semester-2 and the main - The Finals.
Do they test us as for how we would survive in the future? Think about it.

This one is for the people who fear their examinations, lock themselves up because the teacher did not give you marks. The people who are giving their best but still are not getting results, the people who think that they are worth nothing just because of exams. For the people who failed but have big dreams, people who want to change the world and contribute to it. The people who want to make this world a better and want a change in the society's method of judging someone. Whether your marks are 44, 79 or 58, Do not let exams decide your fate.

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