Rohit Kapadia

Children Stories Drama


Rohit Kapadia

Children Stories Drama

What I Will Be?

What I Will Be?

1 min

Just before Christmas vacation there was an elocution competition. The topic was 'what I will be in the future and why?.

Each and everyone expressed their views.

Someone said doctor, someone said lawyer, someone said engineer, someone said scientist, someone said C. A, someone said professor, someone said industrialist, someone said musician, someone said director, someone said dancer, someone said cricketer, someone said foot-ball player and someone desired to become a politician. Each and everyone gave their explanation in two to three minutes for the reasons behind their desire.

At last, a boy stood and in his speech of one sentence he said: "I will become Santa Claus and will fulfill the wish Of all". The hall got full with unstoppable clapping sound.

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