Mahima Gantayat



Mahima Gantayat


Time Changes

Time Changes

2 mins

I was looking at the vast blue sky. Suddenly I thought about that day. It was not a normal day because that day I left my house for higher studies at the age of 15. After completing my schooling, it was time for going to College also now I'm eligible for riding a motorcycle because it is being a few years since I lost my childhood. Now I'm doing a part-time job in a company as well as I'm a college student. I earn around 7 to 8 thousand per month. I have to manage my monthly costs. But I really miss my childhood. I was very much tension-free at that time. But once time has changed it is my growth age. I should enjoy it by doing hard work. I should not spend my days & nights with my friends. I should work more & more so when I will achieve all of my successes.

Really all stages of our life are not simple. In Our childhood, a lot of competitions are there between our friends, neighbors' children especially our relative's children. During our childhood, we miss something that we should do at that time. At my age, everyone is running for money, a successful career, Name & fame, etc. At the age of my father, everyone wants a good future for their offspring and a good relationship with their partner. In old age, people recall their all memories and just count. their leftover days. Really human life is not easy.

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