Raisha Mondal

Children Stories Fantasy Children


Raisha Mondal

Children Stories Fantasy Children

The (Un)Lucky Cat!!

The (Un)Lucky Cat!!

4 mins

Blacky was a black cat who lived in a forest. The animals of the forest hated her as they believed that she would bring them bad luck. Therefore, she was always lonely. She went out of her house as little as possible. Whenever she went out, the residents of the forest would tease her by saying, "Ha, ha, look... Blacky is here. Run before she comes and curses you with bad luck."

‌One day, Blacky went out to do some shopping. On the way to the marketplace, she met Motu Mouse. He was a Grade 6 student and he had his chemistry exam that day. Upon seeing Blacky, he cried out, "Oh no! I have seen Blacky. I am sure to fail my exam! I hate you Blacky!" And he walked away as quickly as possible.

‌Soon enough, Blacky met Bholu Bear. The minute Bholu saw Blacky he shouted at the top of his voice. "I have seen Blacky! Oh God save me! I am sure to have some of the other bad luck today!" And with that, he ran off.

‌Two people had seen and foul-mouthed Blacky. She felt miserable. She knew that she didn't bring bad luck to anyone, but, it was horrible seeing everyone running away from her. She turned towards her home, but sadly, Cassie Cow saw her, "Sweet Mother of God! Today was the day I had to see this dreaded Blacky. I have my piano recital today. And now that I have seen her I am sure I'll mess it up ."

Blacky was now utterly dejected. She closed her eyes and scampered home as quickly as she could. Upon reaching home she bolted the door tightly. She didn't want anyone else to see her.

Meanwhile, from above the God of animals, Pashutra was watching. He knew that Blacky didn't bring bad luck to anyone. The animals of the forest were simply superstitious. He had to stop this. But how?

Early next morning, Blacky heard a loud knock on the door. This was followed by three loud voices- one was squeaky, another was growly, and the last was a bit like a loud horn. Upon opening the door, Blacky saw three animals were staring at her angrily. It took Blacky a second to realize who they were. They were Motu, Bholu and Cassie. They looked very frustrated indeed. "I failed my paper!" shouted Motu. "A thief broke into my house last night and stole all my valuables", howled Bholu." The date of my piano recital was preponed without my knowledge and I missed my very, very, very important recital", cried Cassie with a morose look on her face. "Excuse me, but, why are you telling this to me?", Asked Blacky, clearly very confused. The answer came at once, in a chorus, "We all met you yesterday. And you bought us all this bad luck!" Blacky choked. This was exactly what she feared. "Please ask the police to investigate. I am sure I didn't bring any bad luck to anyone." "We did call the police, thank Blacky. Now we all shall see what a horrid creature you are!"

As soon as they said this, the greyhound came out of the bushes. "Blacky meet Inspector Sharp. He is the new police. The other policemen assured us he is great at solving crime." Cassie then turned her face to Inspector Sharp, "Inspector, this is the cat who brings bad luck to all the animals. Please tell us if she is guilty." Surprisingly enough, Inspector Sharp's reply came at once, "No nobody is responsible for your misery but yourselves. Motu, you failed your paper as you did not study. Bholu, thieves broke into your house as you forgot to lock your gate at night. Cassie, you received the message that the recital has been preponed. Due to your careless attitude, you did not check your email and ended up missing your recital." The three animals turned red with shame. "How do you know this", Cassie asked timidly.

‌Inspector Sharp started transforming. Gone was the greyhound and in its place, stood God Pashutra himself!! "I disguised myself as a greyhound and came down to earth just to make you all realize how foolish you were being. Nobody but you can bring yourself good luck or bad luck. Blacky is an animal just like you all. Just because her fur is black you all regard her as unlucky. If you all believe in such superstitions you will lead a very unhealthy life. Now, I don't want to hear that you are believing in such superstitions anymore."

‌God Pashutra told all the animals that Blacky was not unlucky. They all understood their mistake. In fact, they befriended Blacky! Blacky was no longer lonely or unhappy. Blacky was no longer considered unlucky.‌

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