The return of Micheal
The return of Micheal

“So you want an interview?” said Mr. Nitin Arora.
I replied “Yes, please!”
“Why don’t the fourth estate spare some intellectual thought about what would be good to the society rather than eyeing for some cheap sensational story that would destroy a family?” continued Nitin.
“Well, we care for everyone and everyone has the right to know the truth!”
“Some lies are sometimes better than the truth!”
“Not always!”
“But why do you want this story?”
“Interesting stories are always a good read! Please tell us the story!”
“All right, if you are so desperate, I will tell you!” said Nitin.
Albert, the stenographer quickly adjusted his notepad and became ready to let his expertise roll in front of the verbal volleys.
Then Nitin, started eloquently.
Coffee House, is well a known place for coffee and intellectuals of Kolkata. It caters to the students and ex-students of the Presidency College, University of Calcutta and other institutions in College Street area. Coffee house whose origin could be traced back to Albert Hall, in April 1876. It was here where the intellectual battleground of literary and cultural movement had taken place in Kolkata. Sanjay Chatterjee was walking to towards the Coffee House along the College Street. It was a bright morning after thunderstorms had lashed the city the night before. It is a not only a meeting place for the budding poets, struggling artistes, literati but also a place where you will find successful intellectual people from the world of art and culture. Sanjay would frequently go there have a puff or two and relax and have a coffee and then again buy some new book and read it.
Suddenly a thin old man, approached him and intervened, “Sir, looking for books?”
Sanjay however, pushed through the crowd without answering him. College Street a crowded place frequented not only by book lovers and book sellers but also pick pockets. It was increasingly getting difficult to walk through the crowd.
Then again the old man said, “Sir, I have an interesting book for you!”
Sanjay who loved books looked at him and the asked, “What Book?”
Then the old man reached inside the blue side bag with his rickety hands and fetched out a thick book. It was an old, hard bound, black in colour with some strange gold etching on its cover. The etching seemed to glow as sunlight fell on it. It had a strange mystic feeling about it. Sanjay took the book and felt it. He felt a strange attraction towards it.
Then Sanjay who was initially apprehensive asked, “What is this book about?”
The old man replied, “Well, it is a book of the present ghosts! You can be its custodian!”
Then the old man smiled wryly.
Then he asked, “How much do I have to pay for this?”
However, before the old man could answer, suddenly someone shouted, “Thief! Thief! Pickpocket!” Suddenly people started running helter-shelter and in the resulting mayhem Sanjay found himself pushed to one side of the road. The resulting fist fight between the pickpocket and the general public took place before him. He immediately placed in his hand over his pocket to secure his purse and then drifted sideways inside an alley. By the time the resulting mayhem stopped, the police had managed to catch hold of the pickpocket and secured the purse of the person who had been pickpocketed. Sanjay was left with the book, in his hand. However, much to the dismay of the Sanjay, he found that he couldn’t find the old man who was selling the book. He looked around and searched desperately for the old man however, he couldn’t find him.
Sanjay didn’t know what to do with the book since he actually didn’t pay for it. So he went straight to one of the policeman and asked him if he could help him regarding it.
The policeman replied, “I don’t have time for some silly book that you got. Throw it away if you don’t want it!”
Once when he realized that the police was too busy to take such trifle issues into consideration, he decided to keep the book to himself. Then he went inside the Coffee House. He went up the stairs and then occupied a table at the far end of the big room.
When the waiter came he ordered some coffee. Then he went ahead and opened the book that he had received from the rickety old man. When he wanted to see if there was any index, he found there were none and so he started reading the 1st chapter. Much to the astonishment of Sanjay, the story started like this:
“Sanjay Chatterjee was a young man and he was very fond of reading. He would frequent the various book stalls of College Street in search of books. Sanjay was a heart broken youth, since his choice of love had pushed him towards depression. Sanjay had not confided this to anyone except Micheal, his childhood friend!”
Sanjay was a bit astonished since his childhood sweet heart “Roshina Mitra” had deserted him for what one could call a better and a more contemporarily successful man. Yet, he being a graduate of the Presidency College, had taken it in his stride and fell in love with books. Sanjay knew he was heart- broken yet he didn’t want to believe that he was depressed. Sanjay remembered telling this fact to Micheal his childhood pal. So he was a bit perturbed after reading this however he had continued reading.
“Micheal was a true friend of Sanjay. He would take any secret to his grave. However, Sanjay and Micheal seldom met, since Micheal had been transferred To Delhi. But, as fate had it, it was spring when Micheal returned home for his holidays. Micheal knew where to find Sanjay and so he went to the coffee house in search of his friend!”
Suddenly someone tapped at Sanjay’s shoulders and it broke his reverie and he looked up. He found Micheal smiling down upon him. Sanjay’s jaws dropped and he was so stunned that he couldn’t speak. Micheal who knew Sanjay would be stunned to find him there at the Coffee House. So Micheal gently tapped at Sanjay’s shoulder and said, “Reading ghost stories or watching ghosts?”
Then he went on to add, “Well, what did you expect, some cute babe searching for a guy like you!”
Sanjay didn’t know what to say, so he quickly recovered and added, “To hell with your surprises, you don’t even keep a tab on old pals! No phone calls, no emails, no ‘whatsapp messages’ and you suddenly drop out of the blue to say ‘remember good old times’! What do you expect me to do, to kiss and make up? You are nothing but a social recluse! ”
Micheal smiled and replied, “That’s sounds more like you, dynamic young man spitting fire!”
“Anyway, what’s up? Any new news around that you can surprise me with!”
“Well, I can show you something of a surprise, a book that I inherited from the ghost of College Street!”
Micheal laughed at this, and replied,” The other ghost of College Street, you mean! Man you should have been a professional writer. Actually, I wanted this to be delivered to you!”
They both laughed at this!
By then the waiter had brought the coffee and Micheal ordered one for himself!
Sanjay continued, “Well, I got this book via the mercy of the pick-pockets!”
“How do you mean?”
Then Sanjay went on to relate what had happened and then he showed Micheal the book. The moment Micheal picked up the book, Sanjay felt a strange glow appearing on Micheal’s face. Sanjay ignored it. Although, he felt some compelling power numbing his senses. He ignored it as he thought his blood pressure was fluctuating as a result of excessive stress due to his work load.
“Rest would be the best medicine for it!” said Micheal as he put down the book.
Sanjay was taken aback when Micheal said this to him.
Sanjay said “You won’t believe what is written in this book!”
“Well, the protagonist’s name is Sanjay and his friend’s name is Micheal!”
To this, Micheal laughed and said, “Cut the crap man. Don’t get delusional, after all you will find someone better!”
“I am not joking man!”
“Neither am I!”
“Well, I think I should lend this book to you once I am finished with it!” said Sanjay.
“I know what’s in the book! I wanted you to have it! You will be in fine hands, don’t worry mate!”
Spat came the reply from Sanjay, “Cut the crap, don’t get delusional!”
The other coffee arrived. However, strangely Micheal didn’t touch it.
Sanjay asked, “What the matter, you look allergic to coffee?”
Micheal replied, “I guess, I am beyond the taste of coffee now!”
Then he smiled wryly.
Micheal quickly changed the topic saying, “At last Cupid has smiled upon me and I am going to meet Protima at the City center within half an hour. I don’t have much time left. I have to hurry, now!”
Sanjay had just tucked in the book in his side bag and when Micheal’s phone started ringing.
Micheal’s mom had called and wanted him back, so he left saying “I will be back, and don’t forget to pay the bill, please!”
Sanjay paid the bill and then went home.
However, Sanjay was ill at ease as to what he had read. So he continued reading the book when he arrived at home.
“Micheal had caught Sanjay unaware of the fact that he had arrived in Kolkata. Sanjay was taken aback when he was caught by Micheal reading some book at the coffee house. They had chatted for some time and then Micheal’s mom had called so he left in a jiffy. Sanjay too returned home.”
Sanjay was thinking that this had actually happened and he was surprised and wanted to know what would happen next. So he continued reading again.
“Meanwhile around one, Protima got ready to go and meet Micheal. Micheal had said they would have lunch together, when she had received a call from him the day before yesterday. Micheal and Protima used to meet at the City Centre at Salt Lake. It was around two, when Micheal would reach the city centre and on seeing Protima after such a long time, he would get excited and he would run to catch up with her who was to the opposite footpath of the road. However, he did see the car arriving and then the accident would happen!”
Sanjay stopped reading. Sanjay stopped and looked at his watch it was quarter past one. Drops of sweat were tickling from his forehead. Sanjay immediately called Micheal to know about his whereabouts. Unfortunately the phone went on ringing but Micheal didn’t pick it up.
Sanjay called up Micheal thrice after that but to no avail.
Sanjay knew that Micheal would not be swayed by his words as there were no logic behind what he would say. The only way he could prevent the accident is that he would himself go and stop Micheal from crossing the road near city center.
Sanjay who stayed at Maniktala area quickly left and caught a taxi and rushed towards City Centre at Salt Lake. He was pleading to the driver to go fast and then it was around two when he reached the City Centre. He paid the taxi driver and then he ran to locate Micheal and Protima. Unfortunately he didn’t find Micheal and Protima around. Then he remembered that in the book was mentioned the accident would take place. But in his hurry he had forgot to read what would happen next. He was thinking that he should have brought the book with himself. Still he waited. He now realized that he was famished and so he decided to have a banana from a street side vendor. He had finished eating and had casually thrown the banana peel on the pavement instead of the dustbin in his tension. It was then that he found Micheal alighting from the auto rickshaw and Protima was standing at the opposite end of the road. A SUV was rushing towards Micheal. Sanjay quickly started running and shouting simultaneously trying to warn Micheal. Sanjay was shouting “Don’t run!” and started running towards Micheal. Sanjay saw Micheal and Protima both turn towards him.
However, Sanjay didn’t notice the banana peel that was lying on the pavement. He stepped on it and then the accident took place. He slipped and fell backwards and he hit his head against the pavement and became unconscious. It was really funny and most people who had watched Sanjay started giggling. People had gathered around Sanjay and then sprinkled some water and at last Sanjay came around.
The first thing that Sanjay asked when he regained consciousness was “So you are safe Micheal! I stopped the accident!”
People who had gathered around started laughing. Sanjay could feel a strange coldness when Micheal touched his forehead. Protima couldn’t but help smile and said, “But it is you who meet with an accident!”
Micheal replied “Well, I would be happy if such accidents could occur daily! I am no longer afraid of accidents nowadays. I am beyond them, I guess my friend!”
Apart from a bump on the back of his head Sanjay seemed to be ok. Then Micheal and Protima had taken Sanjay to the City Centre courtyard and sat under a tree. Sanjay
was now feeling embarrassed and was thinking what had happened. Micheal was still joking and said “You know what you said before you fell while running.”
Sanjay replied, “Don’t Run!”
All the three started laughing at that.
Micheal looked at Protima and joked, “You know Sanjay had called me a little while ago and said not be meet you, since there would be an accident and look what happened to him!”
Protima also poked fun at Sanjay trying to laugh away his pain by saying “I think he had rehearsed his fall to perfection!”
Micheal added “Sanjay always wanted his friends safe from accidents. We would also want him and you to be always safe!” looking at Protima.
Sanjay had realized that Protima and Micheal would think what a loony person he had become if he told them the truth about the book. Sanjay after recovering, said, “I better leave now!”
However, both Protima and Micheal wouldn’t let him leave and then they ordered some pizza and soft drinks and chatted for some time. Micheal had added “Well, I had lunch so I will not have anything and as Scarlett O Hara had said in the book Gone with the Wind ‘I will never be hungry again!’”
Before taking leave from Protima, Micheal said “I would love to see you two together again. I love you guys! Hopefully you will remember me! After all, I am at your service only today!”
Both Protima and Sanjay knew about Micheal’s weird sense of humor so they didn’t add anything.
Protima had insisted that Micheal should accompany Sanjay to his home, but not before Sanjay and Protima had exchanged their phone numbers. Micheal had joked mischievously “Well since the love birds have exchanged the phone numbers, now my eternal task is done!”
When Sanjay reached home, he was tired. Micheal took his leave saying, “Be careful man! Hopefully you will fall in love with the lady you exchanged your phone number with!”
Sanjay said “Cut the crap man!”
Then Micheal said “Hopefully you will remember me forever! I have to leave after all I have almost finished my unfinished job.” Micheal gave a wry smile and left in a hurry.
Sanjay went to his room and fell asleep as he was too exhausted.
Around six in the evening he woke up from his afternoon siesta. He still felt the lump on his head and now he thought it was time to take another look at the book. He remembered that he had kept the book on his desk but it was not to be found there.
He came to his drawing room where his parents were having tea and asked if they had taken the book from his desk.
His mom replied “Well, I have kept the book on the book self!”
As Sanjay was retreating to his room, his mom interjected “Well, a strange thing happened to day. The book kept falling of the 3rd self, I don’t know why! So I kept it on the 2nd self!”
Sanjay was a little alarmed and he went to his room and searched the book on the self. Strangely, he found that the edges of the book appeared to be a bit burnt when he picked up the book. He scanned and found that the bible was kept at the end of the 3rd self. So Sanjay picked up the black book and put it beside the Bible. The moment he placed it beside the Bible, on the self, the black book fell off from the third self.
“This is weird!” he thought.
Sanjay was a rational individual and so he thought maybe there was something wrong with the base of the 3rd self. So he picked up another book that was of a similar dimension of the black book from the 2nd self and kept it beside the bible on the 3rd self. Nothing happened.
Again he kept the black book on the 3rd self, beside the newly inserted book on the 3rd self. Nothing happened, this time.
To douse his curiosity, he pulled the bible and placed in at the end of the 2nd self. This time he again placed the black book beside the Bible. This time the black book fell off the 2nd self on the floor.
Bits of Perspiration appeared on the forehead of Sanjay. He realized that something was wrong with this black book.
So he again tried to inspect, the whole book. He found that apart from the book being old, hard bound, and black in colour, the strange gold etching on its cover had somewhat disappeared. Instead, a burnt cross sort of mark had appeared on its cover. Then he opened the book and strangely he found that apart from a three printed pages in the front of the book, the rest was blank.
So Sanjay decided to read the rest of the pages at one go. The rest of the story went on like this.
“The accident was the beginning of the change in Sanjay’s life. Protima would fall in love with Sanjay since she would not be able to overcome her loss of Micheal. Micheal would return to haunt both of them in life and in death. After all Micheal needed to avenge his death through Sanjay.”
Sanjay paused at this and thought, “Would Micheal have to die?”
Then again he thought, “Protima would fall for me? Who would Micheal avenge? And why?”
“Why would Micheal need to haunt both me and Protima in life and in death?” thought Sanjay.
“And after all who was me, referred to in this book?” he thought. He was getting perturbed but he continued reading.
“Micheal was a dead man, killed in an accident in the morning of 12th November, 2002. The truck would overrun him leaving behind his love struck soul! The truck’s number is DL-02 5564. Most people would not realize this fact, since the truck driver would hidden his dismembered body in the dense undergrowth near the highway of Gurgaon, New Delhi. But Micheal would return once to unite his love with that of his heart broken friend in Kolkata!”
The narration had stopped then and there. Sanjay couldn’t believe what he was reading since it was the 12th of November, 2002. Sanjay scribbled down the number of the truck, as it was printed on the book and since Sanjay was so perturbed that he went outside taking the black book with him and then lit a match and set it on fire. He didn’t want to keep this cursed booked with himself. Strange greenish flames started to evolve from the burning book.
He then called up Micheal and as usual Mcheal didn’t pick up his phone. So he called Protima and said “Hey, I can’t locate Micheal. Can you help?”
Protima realized from the agitated voice of Sanjay that something was wrong so she called Micheal. But he didn’t pick up the call. She communicated this to Sanjay, who then went over to Micheal place in search of Micheal.
It was eight in the evening when Sanjay reached Micheal’s home to Shyambazar. He knocked at the door and he could hear someone sobbing. He was perturbed and when he pushed open the door he found a cat weeping loudly. He was somewhat relieved but then Micheal’s mom, came out from the adjoining room and said in a very calm tone, “So you have heard the news? Have you?”
Sanjay replied, “What news?”
Micheal’s mom added, “Well Micheal had an accident this morning and he is no more. His father and his brother Johnny has left for Delhi to retrieve his body”
Then she broken down and started to weep profusely. Sanjay was too shell-shocked to believe this.
A thousand thoughts clouded his mind. So it was true.
Sanjay didn’t know what to say to Micheal’s mom, Mrs.DSouza. Suddenly his phone rang and he realized that Protima was calling him. He disconnected the call once, knowing not what to say! He gathered his thoughts and composed himself a bit. After some time again his phone rang and this time it was Protima again. He picked up the call and replied “Yes!”
“Have you reached Micheal’s home?”
“Any news of him?”
With quivering voice, Sanjay replied, “Well, I think you should come over here!”
Guessing something was terribly wrong, Protima arrived at Micheal’s home only to hear the sad news of his demise. She broke down, almost immediately. But she kept on referring to Micheal and saying “But we met Micheal today, didn’t we Sanjay!” People only thought that she was gone loony with shock. However, Sanjay kept quiet as tears rolled down his cheek. Thoughts of what Micheal had said that day was reverberating in his mind. Would the thoughts leave a desert in the mind of Sanjay forever? Or would Protima usher in spring in his thoughts, washing away the pain of losing a friend in life and in death.
He thought he knew the truck number DL-02 5564. Before he could say anything, Mr.Dsouza, Micheal’s father called up Mrs.Dsouza and conveyed “They have caught the assailants who had crushed Micheal to death. The truck’s number was DL-02 5564. They identified it by stopped it near a motel nearby when they stopped to clean the blood from their wheels!”
Sanjay shell-shocked and perturbed had returned home morose and dejected.
Next morning Sanjay thought “Will the CCTV cameras of the mall have the footage of Micheal?”
So Sanjay went and asked the mall security that he wanted if he could have a look at the footage. The security said “We don’t have the authority to show it to anyone!”
Sanjay blatantly lied and replied agitatedly, “My friend lost a gold pendant here, I would like to see what happened else I will go to the police!”
Sensing trouble, they took him to the manager. The manager started perspiring since he said that no footage was available there since all the IP based cameras had malfunctioning due moisture condensation on the lenses, due to the heavy rain the day before. Sanjay didn’t know what to do. Infuriated Sanjay said that he would report to the police. The manager sensing trouble implored him not to take any action since his job would be at stake.
Before Nitin could say anything else, a kid breezed in the room and said “I am here, Uncle Nitin! Mom and Dad are also here!”
Nitin was so stunned that he shouted for his servant “Raghu, what on earth are you doing, usher Mr. Micheal and his family in the other room!”
“Mr. Micheal, sounds familiar!” added Albert.
Nitin became a little agitated and added “Bugger off, you fellows! I have guests to attend.”
As I was coming out of the house, I noticed a middle aged gentleman and his wife being ushered in.
I remembered I had a chewing gum in my trouser pocket, so I took it out and placed it in the hands of the child. I asked quickly, “What’s your father’s name?”
The child gave a googly of a reply saying, “Sanjay!”
I was so stunned that I took leave along with Albert without uttering anything else.
Once we reached the motor cycle, I said to Albert, “Mate, if Sanjay is Micheal, is the lady Protima?”
Albert said “Why don’t we wait to learn about the truth!”
It was an hour later when the family took leave and were about to board the car, when Albert and I approached them.
I showed them my id and said, “Well we cover ghost stories. We would like to cover your story!”
Tears started rolling down the cheeks of the lady. Instantly, the gentleman said, “Well, I know you enjoy printing sensational stories. I don’t know if you will be able to handle this. Could we talk somewhere else?”
We agreed immediately.
Then he went on to instruct his wife saying “Protima, please watch over Rahul! I will be back in sometime!” The child also started crying seeing his mother weeping. Then he told us to follow him for a walk. We followed him and then he added, “We were always afraid that one day Rahul would know the truth and people may tease him regarding this.”
I interjected what should I call you “Mr. Sanjay or Mr. Micheal?”
He replied “My real name is Mr. Sanjay Chatterjee.”
He paused and then added, “Micheal is dead since last twelve years, now. Rahul is actually Micheal’s son. I married Protima when Micheal had passed away. Is it a crime to support a woman in dire need?”
Albert was shell shocked. So was I.
I couldn’t but resist asking him “Is it true that you both saw the ghost of Micheal on 12th of November 2002?”
“Yes, that haunts me till today! Micheal had returned once to unite us forever! Now I guess Micheal lives in me and Protima would always love Micheal, in me. Rahul has a father in me. I hope you will not take away this from us!”
Mr. Sanjay broke down after this and we didn’t know what to say. His doleful eyes of a hapless man instantly invoked a sense of pity in us. I was just simply tongue-tied to say anything.
Albert didn’t know how to react and consoled Mr. Chatterjee saying, “Don’t worry mate, I won’t let this reach the press.”
Then he tore the pages of the pad and threw them in the dustbin, as an assurance.
Then Mr. Sanjay tidied up a bit and wiped his face with his white handkerchief and then we decided to part ways and return towards our respective vehicles.
While returning to the office Albert said, “Well, returning to the press after getting such a lead! What are you going to tell the boss?”
I quipped, “To hell with him! Well, I guess the motor cycle had issues with ignition. We never reached the place of the meeting in time!”