The priceless gem
The priceless gem

There was an old
Man in the village
He was rich wealthy
He had an son and an daughter
He never loved his daughter
But he really loved his son
Too much the entire family hated
Nomita but she had an
Sweet and lovely heart
She always loved everyone
In the forest there lived a witch
She cursed the entire village
They went to see an good
Witch she said a lady has
To sacrifice her life for
Removing the curse in everyone's
Mind even in the villagers
It was Nomita they all
Convinced Nomita and she
Went inside the forest who ever
Went inside the forest never
Returned everyone thought
Some lion or tiger ate her
But in the forest she met a
Young ch
arming prince the
Prince and Nomita fell in love
At first site he took her to his
Kingdom and made her the
Princess meanwhile the wealthy man
Became poor the village
Got destroyed in an ear
Everyone believed it was because
Of what they done to the girl
Everyone started blaming that family
Atlast they reached the same
Kingdom were she is there
When they found out she is
Still alive they could not believe
It and when they saw her they asked
Forgiveness but she replied
No why should you ask forgiveness
Its because of you I have
Became this much if you hadn't
Send me to the forest were
Would I be
Hearing this they understood that she is a gem a priceless gem