Raisha Mondal

Children Stories Fantasy Children


Raisha Mondal

Children Stories Fantasy Children

The Magical Birthday Cake!!

The Magical Birthday Cake!!

5 mins

Reena was a princess. She lived in a huge castle. The castle had stood the test of time. Though it was old, it was just as strong as any other castle. The tall towers were beautiful to look at. The turrets on top held the flag of their country. 

‌ Although Reena loved her parents and simply adored spending time with them, her most favourite person in the palace was the chef, Rosie. Rosie was plump, and had short, curly red hair. Her face always had a smile stuck to it. Her hands were always covered with flour and her cheeks were rosy. She always let Reena sample her many delicious delicacies before she put them on the table. ‌One week before her birthday, Reena was euphoric. She couldn't wait. The chef, Rosie had promised her a fantastic birthday cake, and that night Reena went to see how Rosie was doing. Upon opening the kitchen door, Reena got a surprise. Rosie was waving her rolling pin around in the air. It seemed to be some sort of a magic wand as whenever Rosie waved her rolling pin the dishes jumped into the sink, washed themselves with soap and water and put themselves back in the right spots. ‌It was only after all the dishes were done washing themselves, did Rosie see Reena standing there, looking at her in awe.

She said excitedly, "Wow, are you secretly a fairy, Rosie?" "No not a fairy but a witch", said Rosie. She continued, " I have always been a witch. But humans hate witches. They think that witches are evil, but I am not, all witches are not evil. So I disguised myself as a baker and came to your castle. I disguised my wand as a rolling pin and I only use my magic to clean the dishes." Reena was really excited, "Oh, we have to tell mom and dad, they will love the fact that you are a witch", she said smiling widely. "Oh no", Rosie protested at once. " They will also get very scared and think that I am dangerous." Seeing Reena's sad face, she continued, "Tell you what, if you don't tell anyone that I am a witch then I will bake you a special birthday cake." At this, Reena cheered up. She felt excited. She told all her friends about the special birthday cake that Rosie was going to bake just for her.

‌The day of Reena's birthday finally arrived. All her friends arrived at the appointed time. They had heard all about the special birthday cake and were very excited to see what it would look like. But first, it was time for party games- pass the parcel, freeze dance and disk throw were few of the many fun games Reena and her friends played during her party. They all enjoyed a lot. But as the time for Reena to cut her birthday cake neared, she was again filled with a sense of happiness and excitement. But what a terrible surprise Reena got! The special birthday cake was in fact a simple cake. The frosting was a simple white colour. All it had were a few candles on the top. "Oh, is that the special birthday cake," mocked one guest. "Ha! Ha! Even my cake would look better than that", mocked another.

Reena felt upset as Rosie had betrayed her. Nevertheless, she cut a slice of the cake and shyly served a piece of cake to each of the guests. When she cut a piece of cake for herself, she noticed a piece of paper sticking out. It read, "Remember, more cake will change you back". Reena had no idea what it meant so she ignored it and took a bite of the delicious cake. Suddenly, she felt something tickling her shoulder. Turning around she saw pink and green wings attached to her shoulder. Looking around the table, she saw that her friends had also grown beautiful wings. "Hey we've turned into fairies", shouted one of Reena's friends. And sure enough, Reena and her friends had shrunk and turned into fairies. Reena knew it was the magic of her friend, Rosie that had made this possible.

She and her friends flew around the castle giggling as they went. Even flying around a castle seems like a great adventure when you are a little fairy.

But after a few hours, all the little fairies were really tired. They wanted to change back but did not know how. Suddenly, Reena remembered the message, "Remember, more cake will change you back". They had to eat more cake to turn back into humans. They rushed back to the table only to see that Reena's cat was near the cake. They were very small and the cat seemed very big to them. Although Reena was very scared, she knew that they would have to eat a slice of cake otherwise they would remain as fairies forever! She flapped her wings with as much strength as she could and swooped in. She managed to grab a big chunk of the cake, but the cat saw her. It sharpened it's claws ready to attack the flying creature or in other words, the fairy which was Reena! She dodged the cat's paws and finally flew to the place where her friends were assembled. Since they were so small they only needed to eat a tiny piece of cake. After they had eaten the wings shrunk and disappeared. They grew up and were soon back to their normal selves. 

Rosie promised to make the special birthday cake every year in Reena's birthday so that she and her friends could fly about as fairies.

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