The Last Way Of Home
The Last Way Of Home

I was alone in my house. My parents had gone to London for 10 days and I was feeling lonely. I was in my hall when someone knocked on the door. I opened the door and saw no one was there outside. I closed the door. When I sat back and one more time someone knocked. I opened the door and went out in the dense forest as I was living in a dense forest bungalow where some more people lived. I went ahead and found no one was outside.
I was trying to go to my home but I had lost my way. I was crying and found an old lady with lollies in her hand. She told me if I took these lollies and eat I will find my way home. I was astonished by how she knew I lost my way. I took that candy and ate. Then that old lady turned into a monster. I ran as fast as I could. That monster was trying to catch me. Suddenly a bear came and saved my life. I thanked him. I told the whole story to hi. He said that I had to collect three diamonds which were found at witch's castle so that I could reach home. He told me that he will help me find the castle of the witc
h. We started our journey throw an enchanted cave. It took us 2 days to come out of the cave. He said that only one day, and we will reach the castle. After one day, we reached the castle. He told me now he cannot come with me. I thanked him for his help and went.
At first, I was scared but then I felt good. Finally, I found the witch which was in trouble. She was a good witch. I found that the monster was in her castle. I searched out for poison in my pocket quickly mix that poison with water and kept it on a rock. While the monster and witch were fighting together for a long time, the monster got tired and drank the poisoned water which was kept on a rock. The monster became unconscious and died. The witch thanked me for saving her life and she asked me my wish. I told her my entire story and asked for three diamonds for going to my home. She gave me diamonds and I thanked her happily.
I found that I was in my bed sleeping. I realised that it was a dream! I told my mother the enchanted dream when she woke me up.