Ayushman gouda

Children Stories


Ayushman gouda

Children Stories

The Last Supper

The Last Supper

1 min

A long time ago, John and Peter, two of Jesus's disciples had arranged for the Lord's Passover. These were the last few days of Jesus before he would be crucified. The Passover Feast was held in a house in Jerusalem. Jesus and all his disciples sat together and ate in one big room. He told them he was really looking forward to this Passover Feast and he wanted to eat his last meal with all of them.

Jesus took a loaf of bread and a cup of wine and thanked Lord for it and said, "This loaf of bread is my body and cup of wine is my blood." He said that he was ready to shed his blood for his people so that they would be forgiven for their sins. All his disciples ate the loaf the bread and drank the wine. It was a long celebration. The disciples took their time because they enjoyed talking with Jesus and asking him questions. Also, they sang a song to God together.

After the meal was over, Jesus washed the feet of his disciples because he loved them. He wanted them to learn that they too should do nice things for people.

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