Rudrani Kayal

Children Stories


Rudrani Kayal

Children Stories

The Journalist Birds

The Journalist Birds

2 mins

Once upon a time, far, far away in Indonesia, lived a family of birds. Eerkok the father, Mishi the mother and Gigi the baby. One day Gigi told her mom ‘Mommy, I want to be a poet just like daddy!’ Mom said, ‘But first you have to know all the words, you are only one year old.’ Gigi got disappointed and flew to another tree. Right at that moment, she heard a lion’s roar. She freaked out and wondered why the tree was shaking so much! When she looked down she saw a lion and a cheetah were fighting! Suddenly, from nowhere came out a deer. She shouted to the deer, but it couldn’t hear her. However, the monkeys heard it and gave a signal to the deer and it ran away. Right at that time, Gigi changed her mind. She wanted to become a journalist. She went home and told all about it to her parents. Then, her parents told her that it won’t be easy to become a journalist. They warned her that she could get many injuries. They also told her “Remember you don’t only need the strength of your muscles you need the strength of your mind too”.

2 years later                                                     

Gigi was three years and her parents put her in a club in which there were the best journalists in the world. With them, she had to go all over the world. When she became four, she was the youngest journalist to get the Nobel Prize. She got very serious about her job, so she had to be hidden in a place where no one could find her. She had to peep to see the incidents and report them. By doing it every day her neck became very long! By seeing that, her parents told Gigi to quit her job, but Gigi didn’t want to. More so, because she had got the Nobel Prize and was very famous.

After a few days, Gigi got married and had two beautiful children – Magres and Daniel Madonna. Gigi’s passion seeped into her children as well, and they also became very famous journalists. They also had to peep and report incidents and thus grew long necks too. The tradition continued and that’s how they became a breed of long-necked journalist birds.


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