Yash Shetty

Children Stories Horror


Yash Shetty

Children Stories Horror

The Haunting Of The Lady

The Haunting Of The Lady

6 mins

About 4 in the morning I'm in my parents' bedroom. I'm only 4 at this time, I live in a two-story house both my sisters Miranda who was 10 at this time and Jessica who was 15 at this time had experienced something banging in the attic and pots clashing together in the downstairs. Both my sisters' bedrooms are upstairs me and my brothers' room is right across from my sister Miranda's room down a bit from our room is my parents and across from them Jessica's. All the bedrooms were on the second floor. My dad was never home so me and my brother John would sleep with my mom. My brother was 6 at this time and my mom was in her late 30s although she looked like she was in her 20s.

My parents' room is huge with two closets one in the bedroom and one in the bathroom connected to the bedroom. The bathroom connected to the bedroom has a shower to the right along with the closet and toilet. To the left is the bathtub and the bathroom counter and mirror. On this strange night, I just couldn't go to sleep. I still remember exactly how it all happened.

I, my mom and brother were on the bed watching the tv which was directly in front of the bed. We had just got finished watching a movie. My mom had turned off the tv and rolled over to go to sleep. My brother John had slept on the bottom of the bed which he had already been fast asleep before my mom had turned off the tv.

Finally when everyone had gone to sleep the clock just kept ticking by. I was closest to the bathroom, an alarm clock laid right on the countertop beside me, and another alarm clock laid on the bathroom counter which was directly in front of me. After hours had gone by it was 3:46 in the morning I couldn't go to sleep I started playing with my stuff animals which I always had with me.

Minutes started passing then all of a sudden it was exactly 4 a.m. In the morning when something caught my eye in the bathroom. I slowly turned back to what I had seen and now I had a direct look at it. A lady stood in directly in front of the closet door looking through the mirror at me. I suddenly froze and sat up quietly in the bed trying to reassure myself of what I was looking at. My fear was frozen and then my heart began to beat and fear starting creeping up all inside me at once.

The lady wore a black dress that had long sleeves and went all the way to the floor. She had long black greasy looking hair that looked very disheveled. I remained quiet then I began to pull pillows from behind me and had buried my brother and mom underneath them trying to protect them from what had gathered fear inside of me. After covering my mom and brother safely under the pillows, I then hid my self under the covers and said a quiet small prayer.

It was finally light outside and I woke up. I immediately told my mom about what had happened but of course, she didn't believe me. Every night after that I had covered my mom and brother with pillows hoping the lady would never come back. Two years went by and my mom and dad divorced and we then had to move out into a rental home.

Not long after moving into the rental house me and my brother started hearing whispering through the hallways of a man and sometimes a woman's voice.

 Late one night sleeping in my bed, a small black boy came into my room and I was you

ng and couldn't go to sleep. I wanted to do something fun I was half asleep when this small black boy came into my room. I have no idea what the time must have been but it was late. The boy was my age 6 and I was scared at first when he spoke to me but he lifted up the covers and said, "Hey you wanna play." I said, "no leave me alone my brother will wake up and get mad." My brother was asleep on the top bunk and I was on the bottom bunk. "He won't hear we can even play whatever you want." "Ok if you say so", I said.

I then began getting out of the bed the boy took my hand and helped me to the floor.

He asked me that, "they don't play with you, do they?"

"Who doesn't play with me? "I asked.

" Your brother and sister." He said curiously waiting for a reply from me.

" They don't", I replied.

Well he replied as he then rubbed his hand on my back." I'm here for you just look for me and I'll be there."

I felt something wrong with the boy, then stood to my feet.

" Who are you?" I asked angrily

"Your friend he said." He then began looking scary and his voice began deepening.

I then ran to my bed and hid under the covers. After a minute or two I lifted the covers up.

The boy was gone.

This all brought me back to the lady. Three days after I saw the boy, I had a dream of the lady screaming downstairs. I ran to a closet and then I appeared downstairs and saw her looking at me through a mirror which was in the kitchen. When I saw her looking at me through the mirror, I saw the boy standing right beside her in the mirror.

'Then I woke up to a scream that everyone in the house woke up too but no one knew where it came from.'

Two weeks later when I walked past the Beavers Street, I saw it. I saw you, my small friend, doing it.

 I was both horrified and intrigued by it. I had never seen anything so awful and so wonderful as I did that November night. I remember standing that night looking into the mirror in my bathroom. The screaming. It never stopped. It just continued to ring around the fragments of my weakened confused mind until it was both past, present and future. All my thoughts, shattered by a great ugly scream that tore the blackness of that night to pieces that lay broken open the pavement intermingled with a red river that had run over the concrete until it pattered away into the gutter like fallen rain.

A slight trickle of blood from my left hand brought me back to it. Back to that moment. Shouting; the flash of your blade; his scream; that thud as he fell to the floor; the red river running to the gutter. A life, running to the gutter. Lost. As I washed the blood from my shirt I watched it diffuse like crimson paint into the cold water of my china sink. It hovered for a moment. Then the screaming had continued.

Over the days that followed, they were still in my mind. It was not only the man that had fallen that permeated my every waking hour but also you who did it. I use the term loosely of course, for I was not sure that you could even do such a thing. But you did. I wondered what you had felt in that moment to perform such a horrible act and then my thoughts turned to a question that ever bothered me; what had I done to be unlucky enough to be walking past at that moment.

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