smrutirekha das

Children Stories Classics Fantasy


smrutirekha das

Children Stories Classics Fantasy

The foolish monkey & the king

The foolish monkey & the king

1 min

Long ago, there lived a king who was very fond of monkeys. He had one favorite monkey who he kept very close to him like a friend. When the king took rest in his room, the monkey used to sit beside him and look after him as a bodyguard.

The Foolish Monkey And The King

A few days later, the king went to the nearby forest to hunt animals and birds. When he came back after hunting, he was very tired and sleepy. So, that day he went to sleep early. He told his monkey to keep a watch around so that no one would disturb him.

The monkey obeyed his order, sat beside the king and guarded him with a sword in his hand. Soon, a fly came in the room and sat on the king's face. The monkey tried very hard to shoo it away but it in vain. It flew and sat on his nose. The angry monkey hit it with a sword. The fly flew away but the sword fell on the king's nose. So, the poor king lay there on his bed without a nose.

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