The First And The Last Page
The First And The Last Page

While I was looking for books in the street library, I stumbled upon two pages of a book. The book wasn’t in a good condition and only the first and the last page of the book were legible. It was an autobiography of a famous scientist. On the first page he had written, ‘The last page of this book holds the best-kept secret of mine.’
For a moment, I thought about the scenario. What if the reader were to read only the first and the last pages of the book! Well, he would certainly miss a whole lot by not reading those in-between. But, I have certainly come across people who read the prologue and epilogue or the first and the last page deliberately. Those are people with no patience. My case is different today. All I have are the first page and the last page as the remaining pages are patched with black ink.
Before reading the last page, I went to the librarian and asked him about the book. He said that the book had always been in this condition. Many people had read it. ‘Once, a monk had visited our pla
ce. I showed the book to him. He had read it and smiled. After a few moments, he had said, ‘The book tells something to someone.’
If that someone catches hold of the book and reads it, he will get something of great relevance.’
Then, I opened the last page:
‘I was helped throughout my way. Three of my friends were always there to rescue me. The eldest among them was very thin and fragile, but his movement triggered a click. The second friend was the tallest and always valued the progress made by the thin. The third friend’s height was somewhere in between. It followed the orders of the tallest one and continued to move according to the orders. Every second, every minute and every hour was monitored. The seconds hand, the minute hand and the hour hand were the most loyal friends of mine. They helped me prepare a time-table that allowed me to wake up in the morning, sleep at night and do all that was necessary in-between them.’
I think I got my message. Did you?