Blanblo Blanblo

Children Stories Fantasy


Blanblo Blanblo

Children Stories Fantasy

The Ferocious Wolf

The Ferocious Wolf

2 mins

Once upon a time, there lived a Goat with her four kids, they lived in a wooden hut situated outside a village on a hilltop. In the same hill lived a strong, ferocious wolf. One day the mommy goat said "kids I am going to bring some food, no one of you should open the door unless and until I come back home" the kids replied, "ok mom". After she went to bring food the wolf saw her going,he ran towards the house and said "open the door I'm your mom" the youngest kid replied "no you aren't, our mom has a sweet and soft voice,your voice is heavy"the wolf thought"these kids are smart let me manage a way. The wolf then went towards a sweet vendor and ate few of the sweets and went back towards the house and said"kids open the door I'm your mom"the little kid ran towards the door to open but the oldest brother stopped him and said"we should first investigate is that our mom or someone else"the oldest kid said"show us your palms through the window"there the wolf showed his palms, they were black and with big nails.the oldest kid said"you are not our mother,your hands doesn't match"the wolf got angry and ran towards the sweet vendor and put his hands inside of of the flour and came back home and said"I am your mum open the door"the oldest kid was just thinking should he open the door or not and suddenly the youngest kid opened the door.

The youngest kid saw that it was was not their mother, he ran and hid behind the almirah, and at the other side the Wolf ate the three kids excluding the youngest one, and left the house. When their mother came back home she saw the door was open, she went inside and the youngest ran towards his mother and told everything. Their mother said"you stay here I will be back in a few minutes" she took a sharp shiny knife and went towards the wolf. She saw the Wolf was lying near a pond and a tree, she quietly approached towards the wolf and cut through his stomach and took out the three kids, and came back home. After they went inside their house the mother said"this is why I told you all to not open the door" and she gave a strict lecture to her kids. 

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