The Art and The Artist
The Art and The Artist

Once upon a time there's a kingdom named Lalityapuri. This kingdom was famous for it's beautiful artistic behavior worldwide. Especially the citizens were well trained by their ancestors and their arts like playing musical instruments, dancing and their paintings were praised far across the country. Their simple livelihood with such great talents was the grace of almighty showered altogether upon a particular piece of land.
Though the citizens had many aspects of their bent, the king Malyabanta was very much fond of paintings. He had a keen interest in beautifully painted sculptures, paintings over the walls also the paintings over the canvases. That's why each year he used to conduct a fair, dedicated to the artists to show their hidden ideas to be painted in future over their paintings. At last after visiting along with the dignitaries, all the camps which were set up there , it was being decided that who would be the winner of the award 'Lalit Guru' which is the highest civilian award of the kingdom.
A huge crowd was being recorded each year during this period of fair time because of the people across the globe used to visit there.
Finally the most awaited day came, the participants put all their camps over the area where this fair was being conducted. Each camp to camp there were extraordinarily beautiful paintings which cannot described in words, somehow it could only be expressed through the feelings but not cent percent. It's too difficult to choose who's be
tter among them.
The king along with the dignitaries visited the camps, he was amazed of seeing such finely painted arts and it's really very tough to select someone.
At the end of the row there's a small camp of a boy ,his name was Priyasakha. At last king with dignitaries came to visit his camp and saw a canvas painted with two pictures divided by a margin in the middle. One side was that boy's painting and other side was Lord Krishna's painting. But below the two pictures on his side he's written 'the art' and on the Lord's side he's written 'the Artist'.
As compared to other participants, the dignitaries couldn't find any such eye catching difference though they marked his painting as simple and beautiful.
But the king made a deep analysis on his painting and asked him, "Priyasakha! Oh little boy! Your painting is simply beautiful, but there's a mistake by you. By mistake you have written 'The Art' beneath your painting and 'The Artist' beneath Lord's painting".
Priyasakha replied," oh respected king! I was very much concern about it. It's not a mistake, it's a teaching. I, a little being along with this whole universe is his art and the almighty God, Krishna is The Artist".
The king astonished with such a great reply which has a deep philosophical meaning behind it. Thus after concluding with the dignitaries the king announced the 'Lalit Guru' award and the awardee was that little boy Priyasakha.