Sita Ramayana - Kids Version
Sita Ramayana - Kids Version

Sunil and Mehak, loved each other, they were from a different religion, but they struggled and got married, with their parent's concern.
They struggled to make an impactful life.
The kids were sent to kids care at times baby caretakers took care of them.
They used to get occupied by their work, but they strived to make time for the kids.
On the rotational basis they used to come a bit early, they managed their work and family.
Both Sunil and Mehak learned cooking by seeing the cookery shows and a various youtube video, raising the child was not easy.
Pacifying the kids were difficult, they lost their sleep.
Dressing the kids taking them out, took a toll on them.
At times they used to fight like dogs and cat.
Once they see the kids face, they forget everything and started to share household chores.
With so many issues going around the world, both of them were worried about raising a kid in such a world.
Mehak: Sunil I can't raise kids, in a greedy world. There is so much of violence, every day it makes sick to see the news with so much negative news.
Sunil: I understand buddy.
We need to have control over their access to electronic media.
There are good and bad things in this world, let's block the bad and teach them good things, and let them learn to handle bad things with their learnings.
Mehak: Agreed.
Both of them had a proper plan, of raising the kids, they shared the devices only for an hour for the kids to play.
The rest of the time, they asked them to play with the clay, to get the feel of sand and creativity.
Mehak and Sunil started spending time with the children, every night they used to narrate the same bedtime stories to both the kids.
It was the story about modern SitaRamayanam.
Mehak: The King went on the hunting trip.
He saw the tiger at a distance, slowly he moved back opened his bag and shot it with his weapon.
Neetu: Mommy, did the tiger died? He is a bad king!
Mehak: No dear, the king used his DSLR camera, to hunt the beast.
The beast got captured in the frame but was free in the forest.
He Showed his bravery to his people, with his wildlife photography.
While he was returning, he saw a wounded man with his blind parents.
He helped them and got the blessings for his deeds.
Sanjay: Mommy.
Why didn't he kill the tiger, it is a maneater?
Mehak: No Sanjay, hunting is the nature of wild animals not for us, we are civilized not a beast.
We can express our bravery by wildlife photography and make others to save those fast extinct animals.
Sunil: Ok mommy, I will tell the same to my friends.
Mehak: The king got blessed with three kids, The Ram, Lakshmanan, and Bharathan.
They were warriors, and they avoided wars by resolving issues by
Rama, in spite of being a princess, he attended swayamwaram, to marry a girl.
The person who wins the challenge will be asked to marry the girl with her concerns.
Rama broke the bow, and made his presence in the swayamwaram and got married to Sita with her concern after proving his self-worth.
Sita, her self was a warrior princess she was a master in sword a true princess of their state.
Both of them got married, but there was a severe drought in their state.
One of the Rishi said that they need to plant the Virtue tree in their state, for that the princess Ram needs to get that plant.
Neetu: But mommy, by planting how drought gets solved?
Mehak: Tree attracts clouds. They maintain the earth's temperature.
On the way they encountered a demon princess Shurpanakha, she fell in love with Rama, instantaneously. She kept tortured him, out of Rage there was a fight between Sita and the demon princes she got a chance to kill the demon but forgave her.
Neetu: Why mom, she should have killed, that bad aunty!
Sunil: Neetu dear, I told you right we should not force someone to love. Sita defeated her and made her understand that her Husband was not an object meant for others.
Shurpanakha was not ready to accept failure.
She used her brother's love in the wrong way.
Ravana blinded by affection lost his mind.
Out of Rage, he abducted Sita with manipulation.
Ram was true by heart; nothing could separate him from her. Hanuman and other petit animals helped him while battling the powerful demon.
Sita believed in her love.
Demons tried to torture her, being a warrior woman
she won all her battles.
To prove their love, she lived patiently for Ram to rescue her.
Every life form helped Ram, to reach her.
Sanjay: Papa What good can squirrel do for him.
Sunil: Our ancestors lived with animals. Don't judge by size.
Sanjay: got it, papa.
Sunil: There were discussions, but Ravana was not ready for negotiation. He wanted the war.
Mehak: The Ravana got defeated. He pleaded for death.
Ram forgave Ravana to symbolize how blind love
devastated a good brother.
He explained the truth and left the place with Sita and Lakshmanan.
Ravana lived with guilt throughout his life.
They took the Virtuous tree, and they planted it in their state, clouds got attracted, the thick forest formed.
The other lifeforms contributed to retaining flora and fauna.
The entire kingdom flourished in green, to show prosperity.
Neetu and Sanjay shared their parents' version of SitaRamayana, to other kids. They started planting the trees and helped other life forms. There was a change in their behaviors and beliefs.
What you have sown, gets reaped. Nourish it to see the yielding.