She's Just A Woman

She's Just A Woman

3 mins

She's a girl. She can be a daughter, a girlfriend, a sister, a wife or a mother. She is fed, brought up, grown and made complete. She has no fault in her own. As a baby, she does not know her consequences, whether in the coming days, she will be educated or just kept in the kitchen to serve others. During childhood, she faces many troubles in congested areas. She is touched badly at her breasts, hips, and vagina by some beasts in a crowded bus. It is a common thing that girls usually do face. But they utter nothing but pin drop silence. Because of dignity and self esteem, she has kept herself silent, to maintain peace, while she is out of the home. You are always scared of getting humiliated when you revolt against the nuisance, committed by some people who try to provoke and harass you publicly. Sometimes you raise voice against brutality but in return get cheap insult. A girl always tries to adjust herself when gone into co-educational schools, colleges or hostels. Agendas, pamphlets, memorandum, mass awareness are just thrown in the name of social work. But in the end, men will always be men!

A girl turns into a lady and she observes her physical, mental and psychological changes well. During those days of menstruation, she suffers from severe lower abdominal aching. But she never stops working, even in tough and stressful schedules. She stays in office till midnight, accepts night shifts, working in stretched and odd hours, ready to go to the summer camps, prepared for excursions and may also be shifted to deputation for quite a prolonged span of time. In everyday life, a mother is an inspiration to all. I have seen my mother doing all the daily household work for several years without any hesitation. She has always kept herself busy to take care of the entire family. This is probably the best quality of a mother who solves all the problems of children and husband to keep them safe and free from problems. She bears unbearable pain in labour room and tolerates immense difficulty during pregnancy and post childbirth. She keeps her awake for days and nights to look after her children at their infant age. She grows old, loses her glamour, gets no share of property from the house of her own for being a woman.

Sometimes, she leaves her job when parents-in-laws are reluctant. Sometimes, she compromises her hobbies when the family members don't want her to continue. Sometimes, she downgrades her to a lower level to show her husband upgraded. Sometimes, she financially helps her brother to provide educational help or might be backing up her son to help them pursuing and achieving bigger goals.

She loses all her chastity when raped. Some are violently tortured, some are burnt, some are the victims of acid attack, some are beaten and murdered. The examples are countless. Some rapists are arrested, some are not. But how long will it continue? It has really been a long time, isn't it? We are actually what our thoughts have made us. So please take care about what you think. Words are secondary, thoughts are primary. They live and travel. Change your thoughts to change the society and then the nation and the world too. Women are neither meant for any sex object nor a gender to sacrifice everything. Treat them well, respect their words, let them choose to take their own decisions in life, lead them to a better path to attain success and make the earth a beautiful, happy and safe place to live.

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