Ananya Raman



Ananya Raman


School Away From School

School Away From School

1 min

When the news that school was shutting down reached my ears, I couldn’t believe what I had just heard. It was completely sudden without a warning, and being under lockdown felt like being caged. Our exams were going on before school shut down and I was disappointed. Looking at 95% on my English paper, I sighed. That was the only exam I had written.

However, communicating online opened a new world for us. We learned how to use gadgets and technology. And it was comfortable to attend school from our own homes. The fact that some children cannot afford devices or the internet hurts me and I hope I can make the world a better place for them. I feel this pandemic was stealing our childhood as we couldn’t meet our friends but we should be grateful for being safe. Overall, this was a new experience for us with plenty of lessons to learn.

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