It is a very old issue. A king wanted to keep his country green. The people were happy. The kingdom was prosperous but the robber who came to interrupt this happiness was very cruel. The robber used to rob these people's money. The king announced 10000 for the head of the robber. People kept looking for him. But he had no idea.
Raja thought that now God and Bhakti is the only way. He called his minister and told him to find such a sage Mahatma. 'So that I am ready to give him half of my state like I am an emotional and devotional friend'. Minister was greedy. He got out in search of the robber. But he did not find anyone. He went in search of such a person.
Incidentally, the thief came in front of the minister. The minister threatened him. 'The king had declared 10,000 Dinars for your head. You do one thing, take this Basmam and Rudraksha. The king will give half the kingdom. Give it to me, I will give you 20000 currencies.' He came in front of the king. The first ten thousand dinars king gave, also the king agreed to give half of the state too. But sage refused to accept anything.
After the king left, the minister shouted at the monk. 'Have you gone mad?' The thief said, 'I have got BasMam and Rudraksha. In front of which the king also bow his head. Now everything is for me, Shiva ONLY. NO MORE I AM A ROBBER.'