Purvi Pujara

Children Stories


Purvi Pujara

Children Stories

Ray And Shine

Ray And Shine

1 min

From my childhood days, I love to pet animals especially cats... Whenever I see cats, I start to play with her...but at that time mom said - "When you will be big enough to take care of her then we will pet a cat...sweety... Now you and your brother are already creating lots of stuff. I can't manage all, my baby doll."

I was a very good girl in those days so I agreed with my mom...and days passed... It was my 18th birthday... My mom gave me a gift... I took the gift box... It was wrapped so beautifully ...and as I touched it and started to open it... heard a voice...Meow...Meow... and yeah... There were 2 cute little kittens ...and I got the best birthday gift ever... I forget to cut the cake...and started playing with both cute kittens as I'm still a little girl ... I gave them a name on my birthday ..." Ray and Shine " because they both came like the light in my life...

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